Irrational Covid Fear Is Causing Excessive Death & Eroding Our Freedoms In Oz Membership

Irrational Covid Fear Is Causing Excessive Death & Eroding Our Freedoms In Oz

Covid Fear Australia

Table of Contents

Irrational Covid Fear Is Causing Excessive Death And Eroding Our Freedoms In Oz

  • Globally, most people are irrationally overestimating their real risk of Covid-19 severe outcome by nearly 40,000% [US survey]
  • Until we can realistically assess our own danger we can’t behave reasonably & it’s in politicians’ interests not to.
  • Irrational Covid Fear has caused the longest lockdown in the world in Melbourne Australia.
  • The enormous price – excess non-covid deaths, and loss of basic freedoms – is now being paid.
  • With herd immunity impossible to reach & the elderly vulnerable already vaccinated, further lockdown measures only cause more hardship & death.
  • Vaccine mandates are pointless, divisive & harmful to enormous numbers with natural immunity after infection.
  • The only guarantee with Covid-19 modelling – is that they are always totally wrong

Realistic Assessment Of Covid Risk – We All Need To Look At Hard Factual Data Instead Of Mainstream Media (MSM)

At the beginning of the pandemic all of us could easily be forgiven for the irrational fear. Now, however, there are mountains of irrefutable data to direct us to rational conclusions. Sadly, much of this is not presented by media or govts, largely because it doesn’t suit their agendas.

Globally ‘Fear’ has seen political leaders re-elected at a staggering rate and MSM bring in record profits since the start of Covid-19.

Much of the mainstream media is sensationalized govt endorsed ‘distortion of the truth’ – dishonesty – to enable easy mass compliance, further powers, and re-election.

“The more power the government can amass, the more it can guarantee its preservation, both in a democracy and a dictatorship. When the people are not free, they cannot take care of themselves – so they necessarily become dependent on the government. And when they are dependent on the government, they cannot resist it, defy it, or rebel against it in any form. This is what governments want. This is how they guarantee their survival…”

REF: Doughnuts And Circuses: The Incentives Of The Pandemic

There are no conspiracy theories here – just opportunistic governments – particularly in Australia. Covid is deadly to the elderly & unhealthy, but not to most of the population. Govt in Oz persistently ‘distorts’ this truth to promote more fear.

Promoted Fear Induces More Irrational Fear

The promoted fear in turn causes more fear. As example, panic-driven parents are taking kids to hospitals with mild or no symptoms. Media reports hospitalization numbers in the young increasing dramatically – so more parents are petrified, and the cycle continues…

See: Almost half of those hospitalized with COVID-19 have mild or asymptomatic cases.

The global statistics of Covid deaths/ age group, however, tell the real story of its danger to the population. 

This Oxford University Covid calculator is particularly helpful as a quick reference to realistic, unexaggerated, unbiased risk:

The ACTUAL chance of death if infected with Covid-19 for an under 40 yo is around 300/ mill, or chance of survival of 99.97%. If no pre existing conditions, it reduces to ~70/ mill, or 99.993% chance of survival. Age is the primary risk factor. Obesity, and underlying health conditions contribute greatly to risk. This calculator provides an individual quick reference. 

Overestimating Covid Risk Allows Irrational Fear. This In Turn Causes Acceptance Of Irrational Policy 

My Oz neighbour for example, a 61 year old teacher, high-ish BMI with bad arthritis has the impression she is ‘very high risk’ of severe covid disease/ death. The fact is, as shown by the calculator, she is at so very little risk from covid, – it is barely worth considering. (See Risk assessment results below*) The school kids are simply not at any significant risk at all. And – Yes that’s accounting for ‘Delta’…

Because her fear is irrationally exaggerated, so is her acceptance of irrational policy. This is happening with almost every ridiculous Covid-19 policy in Australia

School closures, masking kids at school, curfews, mandatory vaccinations and other forced policies are obeyed in blind obedience & not even questioned as a result. There is a mountain of evidence now showing how illogical, unscientific and unfounded many such policies really are now not just in Australia, but indeed the world. The science is thrown out the window and irrational – religious like fear – takes its place. In Oz – blind acceptance has been the norm. Barely a blink when playgrounds are closed, skate parks are barricaded and basketball hoops removed from public parks. Snap state border closures leaving families stranded for weeks, fearful Ozzies just accept it. If they don’t – there is nowhere to go, they can’t even leave Australia – ‘public health’ is at risk by leaving the country!’ What??? – Such is the absurdly blinkered level of compliance even this is not challenged.

skate park closed
Bike park rebel

Rational policy? .. playgrounds are closed, skate parks are barricaded and basketball hoops removed from public parks.

Rational to accept this policy???

As Governments know, fear is a powerful motivator & fearful electorates are easily manipulated. 

The reason for the irrational fear is the relentless media and govt hype. It is an inescapable & monumental exaggeration of clearly documented Covid-19 facts.

Its just plain wrong and has become far more damaging than Covid itself. In Australia false mantra is consistently pushed by govt and greedy, lazy (too lazy to do their job and question) media such as;

‘Covid is an equal disease of all ages – be scared – fear it – comply with our rules!’ 

What crap. The up to date hard data – including ‘Delta’ – from all over the world shows this as a complete lie.

Irrational Covid fear

With millions in a population there are always exceptions to the norm, and these are focussed upon with precision. Lazy Oz media goes along with it to keeps profits rolling, meaning more damaging rules are applied which diminish basic human rights & further erode freedoms.

“But its OK coz it will stop us dying of Covid!!👍”

What crap. Wake up Australia!

Risk Assessment Results (from 61yo example) – Oxford Calculator

*Using the Oxford calculator, since she has no diabetes, cancers, kidney or lung diseases, we see that she has a risk of around 1 in 8300 of death due covid. That is around 40 times LESS than the chance of death due to all other causes. (1 in 200 for 60yo) [REF CDC USA] Once vaccinated, that chance is reduced again by at least a factor of 10 initially.

Chance of flu death is about 1 in 1000 – so she is eight times LESS likely to succumb to covid than the flu, and thats WITHOUT vaccination. I don’t see her quivering with fear, masking up and hiding in the cupboard for the flu – so why be so fearful of covid??

Irrational Covid Fear

Compare an unhealthy obese 85 yo male with diabetes & a kidney transplant to the 61yo woman with arthritis. The 85yo has a 1 in 7 chance of death without vaccination, 140 times GREATER chance of death than the seasonal flu, while the woman is at 8 times LESS risk than the flu. 

Irrational Covid Fear

Clearly the OLD/ UNHEALTHY are those at most serious risk from Covid-19

COVID Has A Greater Than 99.97% SURVIVAL Rate In Those Under 40. Under 18 yo Have  < 2/ mill Chance Of Death.

Its less than ONE HUNDRED TIMES as dangerous as riding a bike for the young – and thats WITH a helmet… Not true? Look at the hard facts. [REF]

Irrational Covid Fear

Even the chance of hospitalisation from Covid is less than the chance of dying in a bicycle accident for the young

Govt Expert Panel In UK Said NO To Vaccines For Children, But Was Overruled By Ministers

In the UK, the expert opinion of the JCVI found twice – that it was too riskly to vaccinate children since their risk from Covid-19 was ‘vanishingly small.’ Click HERE to watch. Despite this, the UK govt ministers gave the go ahead.

Sound rational??? Its not just Oz that has been overcome with irrational covid fear.

Hard Govt Data & Raw Statistics Don’t Lie

Despite the media hype, statistics don’t lie – It is an OLD/ Unhealthy peoples disease. [Globally average age covid death 72.9 – closer to 83 in developed nations. REF:Nature Article] Even those over 70 yo outside nursing homes have a 97.6 % chance of survival. Its not a problem in the big scheme of things for the vast majority of the younger population.

The horror movies we have seen on the TV of mass graves & overflowing hospitals have been shown without proper explanation. Hundreds at once dying in nursing homes globally where they were all at high risk with severe comorbidity – that’s why they were in there. India’s population of over a billion with hundreds of millions of undernourished & elderly ill. The US where CDC found 78% of deaths in morbidly obese. This all before vaccination. The world has a great deal of very old and unhealthy – 2.4 to 5.5% death rate in that population causes millions globally to die.  But the majority are in that demographic.

Statistics don’t lie. Healthy younger people are just not at significant Covid risk. They get infected in droves – the very unhealthy amongst them at more risk of hospital.

See Long Covid in children ‘nowhere near scale feared’

Severe disease however is far less prevalent than the elderly and as one of the world’s leading (politically independent) epidemiologists Prof. John Ionnidis from Stanford puts it – ‘death is remarkably uncommon.

Covid age death

We Are Conditioned With Irrational Fear – Effectively Brainwashed 

The result of the constant – exaggerated & often blatantly dishonest mainstream bombardment from almost every media platform is that we – and many politicians, public health figures & even doctors have also become – irrational about Covid’s impact. There is no question of this, but we are so conditioned with fear, our brains can’t compute even when presented with credible Oxford University calculators or hard govt sourced data. Brainwashed.

Older leaders of the world (Biden) are by nature at far more real Covid risk – so even with best intentions, their subconscious fears are no doubt translating to more misdirected policy decisions. Australian politicians – more conscious than not – have followed without presenting proper analysis or thought, & the public complies with no hint of resistance. 

Fear Covid-19 Less

Censorship By AI Is Compounding The Fear And Empowering Govts Further

Social media platforms are using unbridled Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to weed out damaging conspiracy theory posts that undermine public health. The devastating result for the people – is the bulk censorship of any new factual studies that come to light that counter the ‘Endorsed Narrative.’ 

This makes reasonable discussion impossible on social media – and vital information transfer is being hindered as a result. An example below, where a valid discussion I was having with a CSIRO scientist about RSV & not Covid causing hospitalization in children on Facebook was deemed ‘against community standards’ and censored. No comeback, no repeal. 


Currently censorship by A.I. on virtually all social media prevents not only misinformation but critically also new information that doesn’t fit the narrative.

Govts are also using it to suppress anything that may hinder the enormous opportunity for extended power presented by the Covid crisis. As this is published, the excellent Oxford calculator of real Covid risk has also been disabled…

No doubt some of this may be an unfortunate mistake – but govts will go to great lengths to remain in power. It suits them to do nothing rather than intervene in this case. 

US President Biden has embarked on a ‘vaccinate everything that moves strategy’ – it’s political suicide to now say that may be flawed. Better for his future to allow suppression of any contradictory science coming to light. 

Oz Premier Dan Andrews in Victoria stopped public transport to prevent constitutionally legal protests. He also attempted to ban drones from flying which were taking video of police actions during the unrest. The fact he mandates curfews – with zero advice for from public health – shows the control he desires. 

The narrative about getting vaccinated to save grandma, or the need for vaccine passports doesn’t work so well when the public knows the massive extent of infection & transmission in the vaccinated.

Similarly, it’s hard to push the enormously beneficial fear campaign when it’s obvious that the healthy young are not affected. Scare mums shitless & vaccinate kids anyway!

‘We will save you in this crisis!’ 👍

Vax all costs
Dictator Dan

Irrational Covid Fear Is Causing Acceptance Of Measures In Oz That Are Literally – Killing Us

In Australia ABS data shows there has been 3,475 Excess Deaths above the 5 yearly average in the 5 months to May 2021. Thats nearly 700/ month. More than 23 per day – EXCESS – Why?? Its certainly NOT due to Covid-19 the disease – these are in addition.

It will be 8340 this year – EXCESS to the five-yearly average. Similar last year and that’s not counting the ~ same again who will die due to missed cancer/ preventable deaths screenings in the next few years.

See: England and Wales records more than 70,000 excess deaths in private homes since start of COVID-19 pandemic

Regardless of the mounting excess death toll, media focuses on a few Covid deaths as though they are sacred, but never tells us daily about the other 385 deaths per day in Oz.

How many are we ‘saving’ by lockdowns again??

Oh, and when Oz finally opens, then start adding the inevitable actual Covid deaths. Sadly even 100% vaccination will still mean Covid deaths. In the next 2+ years that Oz has to catch up to the rest of the world, it’s likely the absolute death toll will match most & exceed many nations such as Sweden – that have had a normal 2 years out of prison – without the rest of the mass devastation caused by lockdowns. 

The Longest Covid-19 Lockdown In The World – Melbourne Australia

Did the Doherty or Burnett modellers account for the ACTUAL 8350 excess deaths we are currently on target for in Oz? [REF ABS]

There are numerous studies now showing extended lockdowns ultimately kill more than they are likely to save. The W.H.O even agrees they must be very short if used at all. Missed cancer and other preventable death screenings & early treatments alone cause thousands of deaths – but they’re not easily counted in the daily numbers show. Excess deaths are the only way of estimating this cost.

FACT – Lockdowns are killing thousands on top of destroying business. Given the science is in that herd immunity is impossible, it is simply IRRATIONAL to continue with them after the majority of those at risk are vaccinated (Elderly/ Unhealthy.) It makes no difference to vaccinate the rest of the population not at risk. 

Hospitals are put under immense pressure due to backlogs from lockdowns, yet further lockdowns are implemented to stop potential ‘sacred’ Covid hospitalisations. Australia is experiencing its most dire mental health crisis in history – ironically of its precious youth – who are just not at risk from the disease. We are literally killing our kids & their futures as well as our -not yet seriously sick – elderly by these draconian measures. This all on top of the massive loss of business & economic carnage that ultimately flows on to affect the entire worlds poor to cause more death and hardship.

We know this now – world data clearly shows us the real dangers of covid are heavily focussed –  So why do our governments persist with blanket lockdowns?? It’s IRRATIONAL. If power-grabbing & re-election through a dishonest fear campaign is the prime motivation – it’s downright CRIMINAL.

Overloaded Hospitals
Overloaded Hospitals

‘…workload for paramedics has soared in response to people who had delayed medical treatment during lockdown’

Source July 14 2021 THEAGE

Australia’s current non- covid excess death rate with the most damaging and longest-lasting lockdowns in the world is higher than Sweden’s current COVID death rate. ( 66% vaccinated.) It is approaching other hard-hit European nations’ current Covid19 death rates. [see slide4 below]

Sweden has no vaccine passports, no mask mandates, no restrictions. Sweden’s approach has been sensible, fitting to the level of danger, and indeed rational. They made mistakes early on by not focussing and protecting aged care enough and paid dearly with those lives. The rest of their response should enlighten the world – recommendations but no forced restrictions, schools open, essentially totally normality – no mass destruction at every level of society caused by endless lockdowns.

See The Telegraph 25 Sep 2021: Thousands more people than usual are dying … but it’s not from Covid

Irrational Covid Fear

Slide 4

Israel, Singapore, and some other highly vaccinated countries are experiencing record Covid-19 cases and high death rates regardless. Modellers have no idea why. Lockdowns, masks and vaccine passports have made little difference to infection rates. Swedens unrestricted approach – much maligned at the beginning of the pandemic -stands out now as one of the most successful. 

Vaccine Mandates Are As Pointless As They Are Divisive.

Forced Vaccination Of Those Not At Risk Is Potentially More Harmful Than Beneficial

There is no doubt for the elderly/unhealthy the vaccine reward is greater than the risk. For the young and healthy, however, this is NOT so clear.

The fact no data as to the long-term effects of the vaccines is yet available should be cause for further concern. Additionally, already thousands of (record per /dose in vaccine history) reported severe adverse effects globally are yet to be thoroughly investigated. [34/ mill deaths in the US alone.] As such they are not included in published adverse effects. These include heart problems and menstrual cycle problems in woman. Surely, as the UK expert govt advisor group JCVI recommends, more caution is warranted to vaccinate the young – and those with natural immunity – in particular until more robust safety data is available.


The Powerful Impact Of Natural Immunity After Infection Is Being Deliberately Ignored

One of Sweden’s fundamental arguments is that natural immunity after infection in those not at risk – the younger healthy – will protect them. A plethora of studies show this to be spot on – in fact it’s 27 times stronger than vaccine immunity from the largest study in Israel.

Incredibly – the US & OZ are choosing to ignore this deliberately – and actively suppressing the knowledge – possibly in a misguided attempt to direct the hesitant vulnerable to vaccination instead of unwisely ‘getting infected’ to protect themselves. [As the later linked podcast explains – transparency and honesty are the keys to confidence & trust in public health – the current dishonest narrative will likely backfire & cause serious damage to public health long term.]

Professor Carl Heneghan from Oxford explains the importance of natural immunity after infection – particularly for the healthy young who are not at risk from Covid-19. ( The latest study also shows Long Covid is NOT an issue for children.) Click image or here to play.

Forced Vaccination Of Those With Natural Immunity Is Potentially Deadly – Even With The ‘Small’ Acknowledged Risks.

This is criminal, because millions in the case of the US – and thousands in Oz – have already been infected with mild or zero symptoms, & are now forced into vaccination by the vaccine mandates. Yes – the vaccine adverse risks are small – around 5 – 200/ mill (maybe much higher the jury is still out exactly), but that means sentencing potentially thousands globally to paralysis, heart problems, and yes – worst-case Death. In the US an estimated 100mill have recovered from Covid.

At (5 -200/ mill) that means 500 to 20,000 innocent – already protected from Covid – potentially maimed. At a conservative vaccine death rate of even 3/mill, 300 killed.

All risk for ZERO benefit in these cases.

Natural Immunity is powerful & up to 85% of infections are asymptomatic per infection wave meaning many will already have it. See video HERE of a current lawsuit presented by US doctor in support of natural immunity recognition in lieu of vaccine mandates

Up To 85% Of Infections Per Wave Are Asymptomatic And Provide Natural Immunity

Even Vietnam, hardly a liberal democracy recognizes natural immunity after infection for its vaccine passport. More than 80% of infections per wave are asymptomatic globally. That’s at least half the planet who need NOT get vaccinated and are put at unnecessary risk by doing so. Simple maths tells us:

Staggering numbers of unnecessary adverse effects and death from vaccines will occur with global mandates.

Herd Immunity Is Impossible With Delta

Vax % Target

Look at Israel, Gibraltar & Singapore – there are no guarantees of Utopia at 100% vaccination let alone 80, 85 or 90%.

See Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States

Fully vaccinated people have protection against dying, their odds improve, but that’s it. Arbitrary percentage serves to keep far-fetched modeling agencies employed & the moveable carrot on a stick approach alive & well for govt but that is all. Vaccinating the dog wont help Grannie. 

Already Dan Andrews is fudging the figures and insisting on > 80% above 12yo vaccinated instead of the Cabinet agreed above 16yo population. WA & QLD have moved the goalposts to 90% instead of 80%. No doubt they will shift again to include above 4yo then the entire population. ‘Freedom’ is just around the corner…eternally…

Professor Andrew Pollard, who led the Oxford vaccine team, said

“…it was clear that the Delta variant can still infect people who have been vaccinated, which made Herd Immunity Impossible To Reach...

Public Health England documents show MORE people who have been vaccinated getting infected with Covid-19 than in the unvaccinated in many age groups. Fortunately vaccination still seems to provide a level of protection against death, but it does NOT stop infection or transmission. 

Science Is Being Thrown Out The Window

Hence Vaccine Mandates are too, as pointless as they are divisive. 

The latest scientific FACTS are constantly ignored  – The vaccinated have little protection against catching it and spreading it. So the ONLY priority is to vaccinate those at risk – we’ve done that in OZ. Already. 

Herd immunity is impossible – the science shows us. Vaccinated or not – covid will spread – this is not theoretical.

See 28 Sep 21 study: No Significant Difference in Viral Load Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Groups Infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant

Vaccine mandates are divisive, potentially harmful to many, reduce public health confidence & with the latest covid science – completely unjustified. The reality is, that cowering in the cupboard IS already killing thousands a year, and that will be on top of whoever is unlucky to succumb to covid. 

Singapore cases
Vax passports

80% vaccination in Singapore and RECORD SPREAD of the virus. Still think vaccination stops or even slows the spread? This picture is the same all over the world. The real-world facts that continue to be denied make vaccine mandates & extended lockdowns senseless.

Its All About Public Health – Right??

A great podcast HERE by this expert infectious disease ethics DR explains what is really going on in OZ.

  • How Covid is an old people’s disease,
  • The problems with models,
  • How lockdowns kill possibly more than they may save,
  • The importance of natural immunity, &
  • How govt is using dishonesty & a fear campaign intended to help Public Health (PH) compliance.

He also suggests most of us – even other Drs – have been misled about real CVD danger due to the deliberate govt/ MSM dishonesty. Distorted truths are ultimately damaging Public Health trust in Oz and the USA.

Dr Jamrozik, MD, PhD, is a practicing internal medicine physician and fellow in ethics and infectious diseases at the Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities at the University of Oxford. He is head of the Monash-WHO Collaborating Centre for bioethics at the Monash Bioethics Centre. His academic work on infectious disease ethics is focused on vaccines, vector-borne disease, and drug resistance. Dr Jamrozik is lead author of the report of a Wellcome Trust funded project on ethical and regulatory issues related to human challenge studies in endemic settings.

Is It Rational To Prioritise Covid Death Above All Else?

Breaking down some of the Oz daily deaths down from ABS shows:

39 Cancer

12  Dementia

11   Heart Disease

10  Respiratory Upper

7    Stroke

6    Respiratory Lower

2    Influenza/ Pneumonia

4    Diabetes

294 OTHER all causes…

If we were made rationally fearful of smoking for example, in a focussed unexaggerated way imagine the real public health benefits.

Surely we would consider giving up smoking if every day the media presented us with a breakdown of the cancer, stroke heart & respiratory disease deaths it causes. With each death – how many packets a day had been smoked, whether or not they had tried to give up, how many others they may have put at risk.

How many precious hospital beds those with smoking sickness are taking up that are now not available to the ‘innocent’ healthy who never smoked…

Same with diabetes and obesity related diseases. So why not focus on those?

If it is rational to prioritize public health death rate in one demographic or due to one particular cause above all – so much so that jobs, lives, and livelihoods are expendable to further the cause? – Why was this not done before Covid came along?? 

We Do Nothing To Stop 29,000 (ABS) Preventable Deaths Each Year – So Why The Religious Focus On Covid?

Even the worst case fanciful modelling of Covid carnage could barely compete with the 29000 annual ‘preventable’ deaths we already have in Australia. About 140,000 total, with 29,000 ‘preventable’ – this is ABS data – hard facts. We do essentially- nothing – to prevent these every year. Why? Because we recognize personal life choices, & freedoms to live life how we choose are more important.

This is now being taken from us – it is simply not acceptable.

Public Health at all costs right???

Public Health Is Measured By Far More Than Covid Cases & Deaths – Or Any Single Particular Type Of ‘Deaths’ For That Matter.

Before Covid-19 we all acknowledged that it makes no sense to cause needless hardship to all of us – who are simply enjoying life and happy to take the necessary risk of everyday living in their stride. We choose our own risk levels – this is a personal freedom that is paramount to happiness and makes our individual lives worth living. Some will accept the risk of skiing, some bungee jumping, some leave their doors open at night, some drink heavily, smoke, others eat nothing but vegetables. Personal choice is vital to well-being. Public Health is measured by far more than Covid cases and deaths, or any single particular type of ‘deaths’ for that matter. 

 Australia needs to take the irrational blinkers off now and get on with living normal life with its inherent manageable risk. If we allow power drunk governments to erode our freedoms in the false guise of public health – the very joys of life we used to take for granted – will be forever lost until we beg and pay more for them piece by piece in return. 

goal post infection

Australian govt is pushing public health measures to absurd extremes to promote the irrational fear. Here the Oz footy goalposts are disinfected…after the game to which none of the public were allowed to attend. Rational??

Covid Case Waves Don’t Adhere To Public Health Measures So Persistence Is Futile

Arizona Nevada
makes no difference with lockdowns masks

Uttar Pradesh, India with 200 million has a vaccination rate of ~ 33%. The cases there have fallen to less than 15/ day. Why? 🤷‍♂️ Who Knows – certainly NOT Covid modellers.

Despite the government mantra and that of modelers – there is little evidence that lockdowns, masks and other measures actually make much difference at all in the long run. Nevada and Arizona, next door to each other, had vastly different measures but the virus did its thing identically regardless. Similarly with LA and Orange county. Israel’s strict measures made little difference to Covid cases compared to Sweden with virtually no restrictions. Masks in Denmark appear to have no effect.

As many doctors agree;

‘Regardless of public health mandates, COVID-19 cases surge and recede predictably like waves over a two- to three-month period. Each surge is followed by a phase of relative quiet and then another surge. But will slowing the spread of COVID-19 in one surge lessen the next one? Will this ultimately result in fewer COVID-19 cases or deaths years from now? The answer is unknown, and the fact that no public authority openly admits this is epidemiologic malpractice’ .

Burnett BS
BS models

‘Hospitals Will Be Overloaded If We Release You Now’ – WILL THEY?? – Who REALLY Knows?

The favorite argument Oz govt uses to delay easing of the absurd restrictions is that ‘Hospitals will be overwhelmed.’ The reality with Covid models is;

‘There are those who don’t know, and those who don’t know they don’t know’

Recent history globally also has public health forecasts being absurdly unrealistic in most parts of the world. They get it wrong then next time get it totally wrong. [Neil Ferguson – the UK architect of global lockdowns – is notorious for exaggerated pessimistic claims that are do not eventuate.] Again and again. Why would the doomsday modelers of Oz know any better? – Why listen? There are too many variables to make accurate predictions. Many studies show this, politicians know this – and simply ‘find’ a study to suit their agenda. Doomsday forecasts are best – because fear is the key to power.

Still think Oz is on track?? 👍 – Better stay locked up a bit longer just in case eh..

Australian Politicians Need To Bite The Bullet – Admit Their Errors And Free The Public Immediately 

i.e. – Political Suicide. We all know that won’t happen easily… 

Those At Real Risk Have Already Had The Chance Of Vaccination

Vaccines are available in Oz and everyone at real risk has had a choice to get one already. The danger is overstated enormously to the vast majority.  It’s not up to governments to penalize the majority to protect a minority who will not protect themselves.

 ‘Instead of focusing efforts on vaccinating the vulnerable, officials obsess on compelling universal obedience, even if that means squandering vaccines on people who already have acquired natural immunity or are at minimal risk of serious illness.’ 

See Keeping Fear Alive:

Observing International developments in such places as Israel, Singapore, UK – pretty much globally – surely gives credence to the lack of observed benefit in vaccination of those not at risk. 

Given this;  There is nothing other than opportunistic governments stopping Australians from simply getting on with life right now as in Sweden, Denmark, Norway & Finland.

There Are Plenty Of World Renowned Professors Who Strongly Oppose The Current Lockdown & Vaccination Mandate Strategies.

The vast majority of vulnerable have been vaccinated – so remaining locked down now just causes more excess death. There is a large & growing list of politically independent world-renowned professors, epidemiologists, and public health experts – who agree – why not listen to them?

Jay B

As examples, Professors Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff, and Sunetra Gupta amongst many others are all extremely well qualified, respected, politically independent experts in infectious disease and public health who agree that extended lockdowns are a massive public health mistake globally. They are all very pro-vaccination but also agree that with Covid-19 the healthy young are not at immediate risk & caution against rushed vaccination of this group.

Twitter accts: Martin Kulldorff @MartinKulldorff , Jay Bhattacharya @DrJBhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta @SunetraGupta 

Rapid Antigen Tests Are The Key For High-Risk Workplaces Such As Hospitals & Aged Care

Rapid antigen tests
Rapid Antigen Test
Rapid antigen tests

No more mandated restrictions, masks or vaccines. Instead – aka Sweden – some helpful advice to the public & some serious advice to those at high risk who are unable to be vaccinated in relation to rapid antigen tests.

Rapid antigen tests should have been used 8 months ago to enable opening up. Denmark used these & was virtually unrestricted with a 50% vaccination rate – the same as Oz now. These can be used to screen for Covid before attendance in high-risk exposure workplaces such as hospitals or aged care. They are far more effective than vaccines because the vaccinated can just as easily – (most likely more so) carry and infect while not even knowing they have the disease.

Yes – There Is Cause For Concern In OZ, But NO LONGER About Covid-19

Governments of Australia need to be stopped in their blinkered power-hungry Covid tracks NOW to prevent the daily excess deaths, more damage to our precious youth, and more blistering economic hardship.

Oz had enough
Oz had enough
Oz had enough

It’s no wonder the people of Oz are stirring. If they haven’t had enough by now, they should have.

Sadly the reality is that whilst this should happen 

‘Australian Politicians Need To Bite The Bullet – Admit Their Errors And Free The Public Immediately’

we all know it would be political suicide and hence it will not without persuasion. 

If the people of Oz are to be saved and freed – the people, not the government, need to act to save it. The Tradies have started. Nurses – who no doubt have some insight – are also stirring.

For my kids sake I hope (without violence) most others can believe in the facts – and NOT fear to follow. 



  • No Vaccine mandates
  • No more deadly, destructive, counterproductive lockdowns
  • No more border restrictions
  • Freedom for Australia and most importantly – its precious youth.

There will be more Covid pain to come in Oz. Our vulnerable have been offered protection. Better we meet it with jobs and finances, comforts of social interaction and freedom to choose how we must.

Promoted Irrational Fear is indeed the deadliest virus Oz has ever seen.

Wake Up Australia!

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Irrational Covid Fear Is Causing Excessive Death & Eroding Our Freedoms In Oz

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