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Why Do Dogs Eat Their Poop?🤮 – 4 Strong Putrid Possibilities
Consuming poop has to be one of the most disgusting habits of dogs. Why do some dogs eat poop? How can you prevent your dog from doing this?
So Why Do Dogs Eat Their Poop??
The act of eating feaces is relatively common in dogs.

4 Putrid Possibilities - Why do Dogs Eat Their Poop?
The reasons why some dogs eat their poop – and other poop for that matter – are not fully known, but here are some of the theories:
1. Natural Behavior:
– Mother dogs instinctively lick and clean their puppies by ingesting the puppy feaces. This is normal behavior that keeps puppies and their surroundings clean. Many puppies will start eating feces from a young age. Some puppies thrive outside of this normal behavior, while others continue it into adulthood. Eating the faeces of other species is also considered a natural behavior. If you have a cat, you may notice that your dog is always attracted to the cat litter box. Most dogs love the taste of cat poop. One theory is that perhaps this is because of the high protein diets of cats.
2. Hunger and Food Obsession:
-A dog suffering from starvation or severe malnutrition can eat anything he can find. Some dogs, although well fed, are hungry all the time (this can be a sign of illness or just the dog’s personality). Many dogs are completely obsessed with food and will ingest anything that tastes good to them. Unfortunately, many dogs seem to like the taste of feaces (especially cat poop). Some people claim that dogs eat feces when something is missing in their diet. Vets and those who study coprophagia – now tend to think this is not the case.
3. Illness :
-Certain illnesses and illnesses can cause a dog to eat feces. A symptom of some illnesses is an increase in appetite or the ingestion of inappropriate items (called pica). A disease that changes the consistency or smell of stool can cause a dog to eat his own stool. The sudden onset of coprophagia requires a veterinary examination.
4. Anxiety, Fear, and Stress:
A dog who is afraid or very stressed can eat their own stool. It can be a kind of self-calming mechanism in some cases. However, if a dog is punished for improper defecation or other faecal-related action, he may associate this sanction with the presence of fecal matter. By eating the feces, it removes “evidence” to avoid punishment.

What are the risks of Poop ( Feacal Coprophagia) consumption by dogs?
If a dog eats his own stool, it is usually of little danger. However, the bacteria and parasites in these stools can technically be transmitted to humans and other animals through contact with this dog’s mouth and saliva. If you can’t stop your dog from eating its poop, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly if you come into contact with your dog’s mouth or saliva.
When a dog eats the faeces of another animal (especially another dog or cat), it risks ingesting the eggs of potentially dangerous intestinal parasites and bacteria that can easily lead to disease. A dog known to eat the faeces of other animals should regularly have a faecal test from its veterinarian.
Perhaps the worst effect of dog poop is the bad breath you have to smell. Administering at home dental care for dogs can help you breathe at least!

Firstly you should rule out the medical issues that cause of coprophagia.
The problem remaining is actually a hard one to stop -because eating stools is generally a self-rewarding behavior…
First and foremost, make sure your yard is free of animal waste and pick up your dog’s stool as soon as possible after defecation. In the case of dogs trying to eat their own feces during or immediately after defecation, you need to be on high alert. Keep your dog on a leash when defecating. If his attention is focused on the faeces, immediately turn his attention to you (try teaching the “look” command). Reward him for paying attention to you, then immediately pick up the droppings and throw them away. Another useful command right now is “leave it”.

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