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Australia – You Closed The Border To me – Why Can’t You At Least Send Me A Vaccination?
Pretty sure this would be on the mind of the thousands of Australian citizens stranded in India right now. They can’t come home if they have Covid, and they can’t prevent getting it because there’s 1.4 billion locals in the vaccine queue. Surely an interim, responsible solution – would be to send a bunch of batches over – to be distributed by the Embassy? The majority of Oz Expats live in the big foreign cities – travel is at least possible to those.
Protect your citizens Australia!, they are Australian Citizens just as much as those in Palm Beach, Footscray, Redfern, or Roxburgh Park.
With many friends stuck in Vietnam as we speak, I know the question certainly comes up daily in ex-pat conversations there. They have 97 million people and fewer than 5 million vaccines due to arrive in the near term… There are similar stories of those in Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines. Most of the poorer countries have virtually no vaccines available, and being poor and underdeveloped, have a large ex-pat community there to help with just that. Many of those are Australians.
Australia has prohibited overseas citizens from returning to protect those at home… Well – if that’s so necessary, surely you can at least protect those you are prohibiting too?!
Batches could be sent to wherever Australians registered to desire them. Cargo still travels. The logistics of Covid19 vaccine shipments – and distribution is a well-worn road by now. Arguably Australia currently has an excess of the largely ‘unwanted’ – yet easily transportable and storable ‘AstraZeneca’ brand. Ask the Australian citizens in Covid19 ravaged nations if THEY are willing to take it? I’m guessing a resounding YES YES YES! Same for the Aussies stuck in Third-World countries with crappy medical facilities…

Australia is having problems convincing its citizens residing at home to take the AstraZeneca Covid19 vaccine due to over-exaggerated blood clot concerns. Ask the Australian citizens in Covid19 ravaged nations if THEY are willing to take it? I’m guessing a resounding YES YES YES!
A small (tiny) scale would surely be a detail for any competent government. Already Australian consulates worldwide have set up registration websites for “Return to Oz “- They have a very good idea of how many and where the forsaken Aussies are. Within a week of advertising, the numbers would be in, and within a fortnight batches could start to be sent and stranded Australians could once again feel proud to be Australian. Next best thing to being safe at home in Oz is being safe – protected from Covid19 – in places where it either running rife or the hospital systems are third-rate compared to ‘Home.’

This would also help enormously with the bottleneck quarantine issues Australia is currently experiencing.
Fully vaccinated Australians returning have virtually zero risk of spreading the virus – yes it’s possible – just – but ONLY just and extremely unlikely. (re: *CDC Dr Fauci.) Such – well looked after PROUD – Ozzies could then ease the burden of the quarantine facilities in Oz and self-isolate at home. No $3000 fine for a 14-day hotel prison cell either – a big WIN-WIN for Australia and Australians. The actual vaccination credibility would be unquestioned also – since it would be from the Australian stockpile.
*Dr. Fauci USA CDC “So even though there are breakthrough infections with vaccinated people, almost always the people are asymptomatic, and the level of virus is so low, it makes it extremely unlikely, not impossible, but very, very low likelihood that they are going to transmit it.”
For those who have no sympathy for the Aussies still overseas…
“ They should have come home before..” – The border closed with almost no notice. Job contracts did not cover such events and most likely ‘just leaving’ with virtually no notice would have meant no pay for the last several weeks and probably no job ever again for that company. No one – No government in the world – no person in the world – knew this would go on for YEARS. Flights to get back since have been limited and prohibitively expensive – many overseas have now lost their jobs and incomes, and simply don’t have the ~ $8-10,000 for a one-way ticket ( inc 3000 hotel – prison on arrival ) for a single person, let alone the resources for a family of four. Travel insurance is the only protection they have of at least covering the cost of ( often third-rate) hospitalisation should they contract Covid19. Not much condolence if they’re in the vulnerable group.😕
Besides all that – Wouldnt you rather VACCINATED compatriates ultimately returning to limit your own risk??
Time to Protect your citizens that you have prohibited Australia! If I’m Really An Australian Citizen – Send Me A Vaccination!