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Incredibly – Australia and some world governments are considering keeping borders CLOSED even after all the Vulnerable have been Vaccinated!
When the vulnerable are vaccinated – there’s acceptable risk – We need to pull back the fear factor and get on with life.
After all have been offered vaccination in Australia ( December 2021,) – the World Health Organisation (WHO) is suggesting we STILL should not allow International travel?? Sadly, governments are listening. Really? Why??

Primarily, the reasons given by the WHO are :
1 “We are still uncertain how long exactly the vaccine lasts.”
2 “The virus can mutate when it’s present in society. Herd immunity is required to effectively eradicate it and prevent mutation.”
Covid19 is here. Yes it might mutate. So might the flu – and become more deadly in a mutated form. So might tuberculosis. Bird Flu might transmit between humans ( last week in Russia they found it in humans for the first time.) A comet might come next week ( as in the dinosaur extinction type a.k.a. movie Greenland . ) It’s all possible. It’s all a risk!

The point is Humans have lived with disease and some form of risk since the dawn of time – and must continue to LIVE WITH IT – NOT HYSTERICALLY FEAR IT.
If the vaccine only lasts 6 months, we will know soon enough and react accordingly. We have to be reactive – we are good at it ( fastest vaccines in history made for Covid19) – but we can’t pussy foot around and account for all the “what-ifs” and destroy millions of lives in the process. Make no mistake – globally – millions of lives – from shutting down International travel alone – have and ARE being destroyed.
See ENRICHLIFE.CO: Unmasking the Devastating impact of COVID19 on children Worldwide.
See ENRICHLIFE.CO: Lockdowns for COVID19 Fail The Medics ‘Do No Harm’ Rule
See THE AGE : Surge in Eating Disorders Reveals Tragedy of Lockdown
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Why has it come to this?
1 – Health officials have been given unprecedented power
No one argues initial measures taken weren’t necessary – because initially – the world simply had no idea of the risk. However, – now we do.
Most health professionals are – understandably – focussed on perfect health and saving every life. They are NOT human life risk management executives – as for example – Army generals are. To win the war, a certain number of casualties is – regrettably – acceptable. To run an entire country, the same applies. That’s the blunt and real truth. Car crashes happen, we can’t stop all driving to prevent them. For zero tolerance- life would NEVER proceed with any sense of normality in any society – and society would lose.

Imagine a paralyzed army sitting in the trenches too afraid to engage due to the possibility of few casualties. That Army’s prognosis is not good…
It’s not dissimilar to the current border closure and lockdown mentality in Australia. Despite excellent contact tracing measures and better healthcare solutions, ANY risk is still not tolerated. Repeatedly, nothing can get done, business is decimated, inordinate amounts of lives and livelihoods are again lost. ‘But don’t push forward in case some individual contracts – let alone dies – of Covid19!’ Similarly across the world, millions are left mentally scarred – many thousands are depressed to the point of suicide, and enormous numbers of children’s lives in third worlds are lost due to starvation or plunged into unending poverty.

The cure is arguably just as – or more devastating than the disease – but it manifests later and far -far more nebulously. You can’t count the cost of it daily.
Health officials are focussed on today’s hard number of COVID19 deaths and feel vindicated as they decline (or don’t materialise like in Australia ) so aren’t bothered by the more “nebulous” – but very real other outcomes of the measures taken. It’s awesome for government spin machines – “Look how we have SAVED LIVES” they simplistically say – so they too are gleefully onside. Bring on the election!
Health officials should NOT be running entire countries. Politicians should NOT be allowed to let them push their ultimate re-election agenda. Life is a terminal disease, ( and it is sexually transmitted😊.) Acceptable risk is paramount for meaningful survival.
Why has it come to this?
2 – Older humans are pulling the shots. Governments are aligned with the more powerful middle-aged and elderly.
The ugly reality is that Governments’ primary concern is to get re-elected or stay in power by all means. Children don’t vote. Children and young/healthy people are unaffected by Covid19. ( Has that message really been pushed even though the WHO has affirmed and documented it since October 2020?) Instead – we all know that children and young SPREAD Covid19! God forbid! Then an older – or “at-risk” person might get it! This was relevant without vaccines available, sure, but it will be a small – small ‘might’ in the near future with plenty of measures that the elderly ( or at-risk groups ) can soon take to NOT get the virus! Even in the near future – self-isolation and/or testing before contact with others for the tiny tiny minority who CAN’T be vaccinated will be an option. For those who WON’T be vaccinated, there’s simply NO excuse. ( Perhaps Bill Gates’ nanobots will malfunction and they will ultimately be left to rule the world..) The young have already been forced to sacrifice their lives enough for the old.

See * ENRICHLIFE.CO Unmasking the Devastating impact of COVID19 on children Worldwide.
Older humans are inherently far far more powerful to government in most developed countries. Much older people are much more easily scared. It’s normal human behaviour – and subconsciously at least they want government to protect them – without regard for the livelihoods of others. Their risk analysis skills are also largely compromised it appears. Many of the more powerful to government ( wealthy middle aged, elderly ) humans in society it also appears – are more selfish. The majority really DON’T care ( out of sight out of mind ) about young people’s jobs and futures or mental health, or the starving dying children in third worlds. Right now they just want to be PROTECTED FROM THE DEADLY COVID! Understandably, irrational fear amongst the older population has arisen from the the trillion dollar COVID media frenzy – and all focus is solely on NOT DYING OF COVID!.

As this graph shows – Getting COVID19 in first world countries for the very elderly and middle-aged unhealthy, at best DOUBLES the risk of dying in that year as compared to normal everyday risk. – And that’s AFTER you have contracted it! It’s simply absurd to attempt ZERO risk of COVID death AFTER these vulnerable have been vaccinated. It’s appalling to continue to subject the young to the massive INCREASED risk of harm that governments now know is caused by measures such as lockdowns and lifestyle restrictions. International travel restrictions alone have caused enormous hardship worldwide, – and economic induced deaths particularly for the very young in poor nations.
Never mind that even without vaccination, any healthy individual less than 70 y/o is at more risk from the flu, and any healthy 85 years old still has a 96% chance of surviving Covid19. Everyday life poses far more risk in many instances, and remember – that’s without vaccination!
Selfishly, governments will always cow-tow to the opinions in the society of the dominant voters and have done nothing to prevent the level of irrational hysteria from building. Why would they? It’s in their interest after all – if anything they have encouraged it – and as a result – here we all are in this absurd state of play…

In less democratic places such as Vietnam, plenty of COVID19 has presented, but the measures taken are sensible – proportionate to the risk. Domestic travel is still allowed. Lockdown and quarantine are for the very small number of very high-risk groups only. – Not entire cities, and certainly not for months on end! To date 35 deaths out of 97 million. Without any vaccinations to date – letting the country essentially get on with life – is an acceptable risk.
Yes – WTF??? – we should all ask. Right now we have a simply ridiculous situation. Some governments ( such as Australia and the West with elderly populations ) are seriously considering aligning with ill thought out zero risk tolerance health officials’ policy, and irrationally pandering to the powerful vote of the fearful middle aged and elderly. Once again they may be prepared to destroy so many lives – largely of the young and innocent – but this time it’s simply NOT warranted, and must NOT be tolerated.
So many young , will be despairingly thinking “ Just Bring on the comet 🙄”
Authors note: I am ( or was ) a Qantas B787 Captain. – No airline would ever have existed if it approached risk analysis in the same way health officials are currently advising governments in relation to COVID19. Current risk policy would be similar to providing an ejection seat with parachute to every seat, along with teams of paramedics lining the roads below the flight path.
My 16 year old daughter has ended up with life threatening anorexia and attempted suicide 4 times since the draconian Melbourne lockdowns in Australia. Perhaps that is coincidental. Perhaps the massive overwhelming presentation of similar conditions in the world’s youth where brutal Covid lockdowns have been enforced is also a coincidence???
With the vulnerable vaccinated against current Covid19 strains;
The world MUST accept Normality – and International Travel – as an acceptable risk.
The tourist industry – and indeed the young and innocent of the entire globe deserve it.
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1 Comment
Great article that should be seen by MORE! Australia risks so many negative consequences in so many ways affecting so many of its people if our Government decides to take the illogical /Hysterical reactive road ANY FURTHER than it already has.
Let’s not ruin our success in how we have come through the Pandemic by the greater hurt, harm and damage we invite if we continue to isolate our country , people and prosperity by unnecessary , reactive and ultimately incredibly damaging actions and policies that are wrong and NOT in anybody’s interest or wellbeing.
Thank you for your very relevant and true message that we all need to see and understand the underlying logic and truth it is telling us and providing for our best interests and outcome!