Table of Contents
The Vietnamese National Anthem
“Tien La Tat Ca”
Translated this means
“Money Is All”
How To Keep Your Vietnamese Girlfriend HAPPY in 2021?
- Pay Them
- Pay Them
- Pay Them
- Don’t Argue –
- PAY THEM!! ( And eventually …Happy Wife – Happy Life…)
Don’t laugh. This is serious. There actually seems to be an emotional connection to being paid ( looked after in their mind one supposes) and love. Take them shopping – and they will bed as though you’re Romeo. Give them money for their mum, and be treated like a king.

Argue about money for something – in their mind that’s “Needed”
( eg the $200 Fake Gucci Handbag )
and the wrath of a woman like no other will be unleashed!

The Vietnamese Mother – Always Needs Money.
The Vietnamese Mother – always needs money. No one is quite sure exactly WHY she needs so much, living is cheap – but better not to argue! Certainly – unlike western countries Vietnamese have no super, they work when young to look after their parents and expect the same as they age. A new husband is a shortcut to sending money to “mum” – and ultimately mum’s sisters, brothers, and extended family too… Get a wife – and with it comes a financial commitment to the whole clan! There’s no health insurance – Uncle ‘Dat’ is in hospital – someone needs to pay for him! THEY can’t pay! They’re poor Vietnamese! – Westerners always have plenty of spare cash! Don’t argue!😳

Lying To Get More Money Is Normal! – Don’t Argue!😳
Don’t get upset about dishonesty and money. – It’s a way of life – part of some deeply entrenched survival instinct. Western society values total honesty. In Vietnam – and many Asian cultures – lying is accepted – and OK if not caught. If caught – there a small save face issue, a sigh of “bugger” (in Vietnamese) – but no big deal. This is particularly true with money issues. The GF will lie and swear they desperately need money for this/that over a long period of time, while actually sneakily saving it. You might find after 18 months of going out – that she miraculously gives 100 million VND (4600USD) to her mum – plucked out of thin air!… Don’t say a word…

Don’t Even Think About Contact With An Ex!
Just don’t contact an ex-GF if you can help it. Jealousy runs through Vietnamese womans’ veins more so than blood. A force 10 emotional tantrum awaits if an ex is found messaging you – the worst case is assumed! (What if she is asking for my money!!- OMG) – Seems to be a standard operating procedure with most – if you break up then you are to be “Blocked” on every form of social media and comms possible. Even if it’s a mutually agreed decision. They need to “forget” you – so they can’t do it without never hearing from you EVER again. ( Of course, If you still owe them money it’s extremely doubtful you will be blocked…😊)

Don’t even THINK about contact with an Ex!
A Monthly Allowance Lights The Flames Of Desire! ❤️
A monthly allowance – (NOT payment for sex!) – to allow them to work less and hence have time to see you – is a great way to open the heart and light the flames of desire… It’s tough in Vietnam – even a girl with a degree needs to work 12 hour days for a measly 6 mill/ VND ($260USD) month. To pay their rent – and look after their mum – they often need to work nights as well. The younger the GF – the higher the allowance – of course! – After all, she is hardly able to pay mum, her brother’s school fees etc. etc. when young and with limited experience in the workforce! Pay them an allowance – and What a relief! – Free time! – Mum is happy! – Riches! – Juices flow – Love is born!!

Pay For The Friends – Don’t Argue!
Go out to dinner with the friends – the bill will come your way. No questions – you are wealthier, therefore you will pay. What’s there to argue about??
Same if you meet the family. Great seafood dinner, raucous beer-drinking – maybe even kick on to Karaoke lounge and demolish 5 litres of Vodka to the deafening tunes of “Bay Len” with unbearable family vocals. Forget about the pain between the ears in the morning, front up and take the pain in the pocket – or you’ll be “Blocked” before you know it 😳…

Never Expect To Be Paid Back For A Loan🤝…
There will be hours of explanation, repayment plans, logic, and reason, and eventually, you will be convinced it really isn’t an option NOT to lend them the money! Most likely it’s for the Sister’s Husband’s new business – where he NEEDs that new car to drive the wealthy tourists around and it will pay enormous dividends! You’ll be paid back before ‘Tet’ (New Years’) for sure!
Ok great. So – just prepare yourself for the ensuing sob story two months later. The husband bought the car👍.. – but the bastard left the sister for a new girl! 😩, – and he sold the car to gain her ultimate love and affection!
i.e – He pays her – normal. You never see the money you lent, normal. 😁 There are literally hundreds of thousands of these standard scenarios… All true of course! ( But don’t question the sincerity for fear of death!)
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Get Used To Upgrades – Fashion And Technology Change Fast!
Get used to upgrades. Fashion changes, It’s vital to keep up – so boxes of unused clothes from shopping sprees will need to be thrown. Just think of the happiness that they bought.
This is the 21st century – Technology changes fast! It doesn’t matter that on a wage of 6mill/month it doesn’t make an ounce of financial sense to sport the latest brand spanking new iPhone 15X at the boxed price of 42mill. It’s NECESSARY! Better just NOT to argue once again, otherwise the phone as WELL as the aging two-year-old motorbike -no doubt will be stolen and need replacement within weeks… Like I said – cheaper not to argue!
On that point – there’s an uncanny relationship between years spent and motorbikes bought in Vietnam.
How long have you lived in Vietnam = Directly proportional To = How many motorbikes have you bought in Vietnam?
Ask anyone. About 3 to 1 – multiplied by how many blocked girlfriends.

Number of Motorbikes Bought (MB) = Years in Vietnam/ 3 (Y/3) times Number of Blocked ex-Girlfriends (BexGF)
Pay Them With Your Patience…
Take unlimited, ridiculous amounts of photos (only on the latest device with the best camera of course) whenever you travel – or have a photo opportunity – together. Never mind the queue of other BFs lining up to take the same shot with the same corny background. Instagram, Facebook, Ticktock, Snapchat can’t be ignored! Your time is cheap! Use it wisely! Pay them with your patience. Keep paying over and over…
Hand Over Control Of All Finances – NOW!

When the Vietnamese GF is fully checked to the line – 100% secure in her place, she will want – and need – control of all the finances. Once married this is assumed. Men are eternally hopeless with money – as we all know. After all – the entrenched GF/ Wife needs to pay the never-ending bills. Food, rent, kids care and school fees, hair appointments, fashion and upgrade costs etc. etc. – It’s a lot to manage! If left with the man, most likely apart from alcohol (which is very cheap so only requires a small amount) he may be tempted to start another devastatingly expensive allowance program with a younger alternate, leading to even more costly motorbikes. Might as well simply block access here rather than the complicated mess of blocking all comms in the future ensuing mess. Smart really – better for everyone!👍

…he may be tempted to start another devastatingly expensive allowance program with a younger alternate, leading to even more costly motorbikes…
( Note that extremely wealthy men – still do get access to their fortunes. In that case, it really doesn’t matter how many motorbikes he has or will buy, it’s all affordable – and GF/ Wife will never miss out on an upgrade regardless.😌)
Simple: Pay Them, Pay Them, Pay Them, Don’t Argue – PAY THEM!!

So all in all, having a Vietnamese GF is really, just the same as having a Western GF.
- Pay Them
- Pay Them
- Pay Them
- Don’t Argue
If you marry either, it costs. In Vietnam, it’s upfront and ongoing, relatively small chunks, and starts before you’re even married. In the West, it’s less obvious but ever-present, with compound interest calculated at separation delivered with an almighty blow. Needless to say, regardless, both versions are highly recommended and necessary for a rich and happy life… – for someone anyway.😌
This article is intended to help one laugh, and not to offend! If anything here offends you then please take a chilly pill and refrain from reading further from the author!