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Inside Your Dogs Head – Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Others Butts? Why Do Dogs Stare?5 Great Head Turning Answers
Butt Sniffing/ Head Turning and Other Answers To Questions That Hound Us..
Inside Your Dog's Head🤯
In this section we will answer some more Common Dog Related Questions and try to uncover whats really going on up there in the sometimes seemingly kooky K9 brain ! Specifically we will explore;
Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Others Butts??🧐
Why Does My Dog Stare At Me?😳
Why Does My Dog Turn Its Head?🤷♂️
Do Dogs Dream?🍬😴💭
Do Dogs Get Sad and Happy?😩😂
Inside Your Dogs Head -Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Others Butts???
Click on the Picture Above for a great VIDEO explaining the “Butt Lickin Good” Behaviour!
Police dog pulls over chihuahua.
Police dog : “Lemme see your I.D”
Chihuahua : *turns around
Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Other's Butts?
We often see dogs sniffing each other’s rear ends, it usually causes a giggle with kids. Butt why do our K9 Compatriots find it so appealing to stick their noses in each others private places.??
The short answer is that a butt sniff for dogs is like a handshake for humans. It lets them find out all kinds of things about each other to help them get along and is a basic survival instinct from their wilder past.
Getting To The Bottom Of The Answer To Why Dogs Sniff Each Others Private Parts...Its Chemistry!
To get to the bottom of one of the biggest quandaries in K9 and animal related science: Why dogs sniff each other’s butts?, -we first need to understand that a Dogs’ amazing sense of smell is 10,000 to 100,000 times more sensitive than that of humans. The answer is all about Chemistry – and our Loyal Companions heightened sense of smell that allows it to hone in on the unique chemically -generated odours that relate to other Dogs specific credentials.. or Dog “ID’s” if you like.
On the sides of a dog’s anus —the place where poop comes out—are special glands that release chemicals telling the body how to grow and work properly. This is the big key as to why our Puppies have an obsessive and special interest in other Dogs Butts.
The chemicals tell our Furry Friends an enormous amount of information about each other. They help a dog to know if another dog is male or female, how old it is, what it has recently eaten, how healthy it is, and even what kind of mood they’re in. The chemicals also help the dogs to know if other dogs are strangers or neighbours – and if they’ve met before.
All of this helps dogs decide how they should behave around the other canine. It’s a detailed introduction, and its how dogs first get to know each other!
It’s a detailed introduction, and its how dogs first get to know each other!

BUTT There's More! - How Can Our Dogs Distinguish Between The Other 'Woofy' Smells In That Area??
Surely the smells in the region of even the cleanest of our Dog’s butt would be pretty overpowering right? Dog Poop is probably one of the most unpleasant – and powerful odours us humans have ever experienced after all…🤢🤮
Try This And Watch Your Body Fat Melt Like Crazy!
It turns out our Lifelong Buddies also have other Special Powers too. Their K9 snout has a particularly clever part – called the Jacobson’s organ. This extremely sensitive and smart piece of kit has its own set of special nerves , and lets them ignore the smell of poop when they sniff another dog’s rear. Instead, the organ detects something more important – the chemical odours released from the special glands on the side of a Dogs Butt.
Dogs use this special feature ,the Jacobsen’s Organ , to get chemical signals from their nose sent directly to their brain, bypassing any interference from the other no doubt numerous and nasty “Woofy ” smells emanating from that area! The same organ is used to filter out alluring smells from the nearest Fire Hydrant or anywhere else there happens to be some Dog Pee.

“Now imagine a man meeting a woman and smelling her armpits to know her emotional state. Would make life much easier to sort out the crazy!”🤪🧐

Inside Your Dogs Head - Why Does My Dog Stare At Me??😳

Sometimes you catch your dog stock still -anxiously observing you. In this case, your Loyal K9 Companion is probably not admiring your attire, or newly acquired hairstyle. But why is he staring at you like that – on and on – for several minutes sometimes?? It’s almost as if he hopes that you are going to make a juicy piece of steak appear in your hands at any moment… Here is the real answer !
1. He expects something from you
If you are in the process of eating, it seems obvious that if your dog is staring at you, your Buddy is simply hoping to share some of your meal . Its pretty likely he is either waiting for you to give him some food , or a desperately hoping a piece or two falls to the ground…
However, your faithful companion may also expect something other than food from you. He may stare at you because he wants to play , because his toy got stuck under a piece of furniture and he wants you to pick it up, or because he wants to go out to do his business . Either way, he’s learned that just by looking at you in a certain way – is often enough to get exactly what he wants.. K9’s are smart!
2. Your Dog is Waiting For a Signal or Command
If your dog is very well educated and looks you straight in the eye while you are out for a walk, for example, it may be because he is waiting for you to give him an order or command. Indeed, if you have the habit of asking him to sit down before crossing a pedestrian crossing, your dog will look at you to wait for the signal.
Likewise, if your dog detects a sad expression on your face, it will trigger a very peculiar reaction on his part , such as snuggling up to you to comfort you. Also, if he sees you picking up the leash, he knows it’s time to get out. Thus, your facial expression and your body language send him clues about what to do next .
3. He Wants to Show You His Affection
The looks between dogs and their owners have been shown to increase each other’s oxytocin level . Oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone”, promotes the creation of social bonds. By looking at each other in the eyes -humans and dogs form that loving, trusting and often inseparable bond.
However, on the other hand, if your dog is afraid of you , he will also tend to watch you extremely closely! In that case, he possibly does not trust you and is anxious ( or scared Poopless) about your next move!
Summary: So to get Inside Your Dogs Head…
Why Does My Dog Stare At Me?
1. He expects something from you
2. Your Dog is waiting for a signal or command
3. He wants to show you his affection
Why Do Some Dogs Stare And Growl With A Stiff Body and Tail?🤬
Dogs Are Telling Us How They Feel Both Positive and Negative
Its important to note that not all stares from Dogs are friendly and warm! Your K9 Companion uses eye contact to express emotions, both positive and negative. In their wolverine ancestors, staring is considered threatening, rude and a signal of power. Some dogs still retain that historic attitude. This is why its important to never stare down strange dogs or hold dogs still to stare into their eyes. If a dog ( especially a big dog!) gives you a hard stare with unblinking eyes and a stiff posture, and is growling and baring teeth.. – back away and don’t make eye contact. Most Dogs exhibit one form or other of this behaviour to a certain degree, and you may see it in your own Pup around other Dogs or even people, when there is a juicy bone or other food that he is trying to guard. Resource guarding is often accompanied by a hard stare and other aggressive vocal and body language. If you see this behaviour occur often toward people with your dog – especially if it is a large breed and you have small children, consult a professional trainer or Dog Behaviourist.
Of course, as mentioned previously a lot of dog staring is exactly what it seems — an expression of love and devotion. Its pretty obvious in the limited cases as described when this is not the case!
If a dog ( especially a big dog!) gives you a hard stare with unblinking eyes and a stiff posture, and is growling and baring teeth.. – back away and don’t make eye contact.
Preview – Is it to hear a little better? Or is it just attention seeking? Short answer – Most likely both!
Preview – When Buddy twitches his legs whilst asleep.. in he really dreaming of chasing rabbits? Short answer – doubtful … but Dog Behaviour specialists most certainly accept that our K9 Friends do indeed dream!
Preview – In short: yes, dogs have feelings and can feel Sad or Happy. But sometimes we over-interpret their feelings and make them more complicated than they actually are. Every dog has their own way of expressing their grief for example. Some wander around, some howl, some bark, and still others will dig under the door or tear apart the sofa.
Brain Training 4 Dogs is ideal for those of you who really want a well-behaved dog…but your current companion isn’t one.
That can lead to frustration for both the dog and owner alike because nobody is having fun.
This 7-module video training course covers what to train your dog, and how – it is the creation of Adrienne Farricelli, a professional and certified dog trainer.
It works on the basis of something called neuroplasticity, or basically the medical reason why old dogs actually can learn new tricks.
And the neat part is the entire training program is based on getting your dog to play new games.
So there’s no force involved in any of your interactions with your pooch.
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