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How to Train your Dog in 2020 and What to Train Your Dog – Best Ways
In This Post we will Summarise What to Train your Dog and the Different Styles of How to Train your Dog in 2020.
For Centuries Mans Best Friend has been loyally at our side giving us companionship, security , happiness and – sometimes enormous frustration!
There have been numerous training methods throughout the times, with the ultimate aim of having the perfect dog. The Dog we can take everywhere with us, the one who always makes us proud, the one who knows how to react in every situation, the one who never disobeys any of our commands. The reality is that there is no perfectly trained canine -and training a dog, like any other animal, takes commitment, time and a large amount of patience and often.. money!
Dogs can be trained to perform a large number of practical functions including search and rescue, herding livestock, guarding, explosive or drug detection, disability assistance, as well as recreational functions, including companionship and shooting assistance. Its important to know what to train your dog as a priority – to enable him to become that obedient loving companion as quickly as possible!
What to Train Your dog

What To Train Your Dog Initially - Obedience Training.
- Recall training – teaching the dog to come when hes called ( “on command”),
- Sitting training – teaching the dog to sit on command,
- Walking or heeling training – teaching the dog to walk on or off lead in position with the handler,
- Staying training – teaching the dog not to stray when commanded,
- Sociability training – teaching the dog not to be aggressive to people, other dogs or other moving objects or animals.
What to Train Your Dog - The Basic Commands Every Dog Should Know:
- Come”
- “Sit ” This command is one of the easiest to teach, and is usually the first command introduced to a dog or puppy. …
- “Heel “or Controlled Walking.
- “Down” Another practical command is down (lay down). …
- “Stay” Of course, you will want to pair “stay” with sit and down. …
- “Off” …
- “Don’t Touch” …

Summary: What to Train Your Dog?- Initially Obedience Training with the Basic Commands
How to Train Your Dog in 2020 - Positive Reinforcement!
There are numerous NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT methods out there ranging from Electronic Collars (A shock collar or remote training collar) that give a shock for “bad” behaviour, Hitting or Loud angry voice methods to scare your puppy into submission, or even Starvation methods to “Punish” you K9 if he doesnt comply with your desires…
Some of these methods work to a degree .. – but do you really want your Loyal companion to be put through those measures and be eternally anxious, scared and probably confused? These methods are simply NOT the way to train your dog in 2020!
Its agreed now by nearly all professional modern Dog Trainers that ENCOURAGEMENT and REWARD methods .. ie POSITIVE REINFORECMENT methods , give by far superior outcomes in terms of speed of learning, ultimate happiness and satisfaction to both Dog and Owner. For most of us your beloved Dog is a great friend – and source of comfort and joy after all. The Training can be enormously rewarding and a great deal of FUN if you do it with this Positive method.

The theory behind Positve Reinforcement is fairly straightforward. Dogs will repeat good behavior when it’s followed by a reward. Bad behavior does not get a reward or acknowledgement. If correction needs to happen, it comes in the form of removal of rewards, like a toy or treat being taken away. Harsh reprimands or physical punishments aren’t necessary.
This training method begins with rewarding a desired behavior immediately, within seconds after it happens. That way the dog comes to associate the behavior with the reward. Its important not to have a time lag between the reward being given and the desired behavior being shown.
For example if you require the dog to sit, and it doeso, then you walk over and reward the dog .. in the time it takes to get there your dog may be standing already. The training will likely fail here because whilst dogs are smart, they cannot associate events separated by more than a second or two.
This is also why negative training such as rubbing a dogs nose in the carpet it has piddled on while you were out, is just pointless , somewhat cruel and very confusing for your poor new friend!
Summary: - Positive Reinforcement methods are the best ways to train your Dog in 2020
Clicker Training for Dogs

CLICKER TRAINING is one good method of positive reinforcement, rather than as its own form of training.
It relies on the use of a device to make a quick, sharp noise, such as a whistle or, as the name suggests, a clicker to signal to a dog when a wanted behavior is accomplished.
The advantage of using clicker training for dogs is that it signals the exact moment the desired behavior is finished and exactly what is being rewarded. Trainers can then use the clicker to shape new behaviors and add verbal commands.
First, the dog needs to be conditioned to know that a click means a reward is coming. Then the dog can associate a behavior with a click and a reward. Finally, the verbal command can be introduced to form a new association.
This is a great method for learning new tricks, and it can help shape the basics into more complicated tasks. Many professional trainers use this method.
Clicker training isn’t necessarily well-suited for curbing unwanted behaviors. Its a great method to use for learning new behaviours. When used with other training methods, it can be very effective in making sure you have a well trained, well behaved loving loyal companion.
Summary: - CLICKER TRAINING is one good method of positive reinforcement, rather than as its own form of training.
Relationship Training

This is the third accepted way to train your Dog in the modern age , however it requires a great deal of patience, time and can be frustrating as its somewhat unclear at times what outcomes it produces compared to those intended!
The owner must know how to read their dogs body language, what rewards most motivate their dog, and how to meet their dogs basic needs before each training session begins. Positive reinforcement encourages good behaviors.
The dogs environment is controlled to limit possible unwanted behaviors. New information is built on previous success.
For example, a dog must learn to “sit” in a quiet room before trying to perform the command in a park with squirrels and kids and other distractions. Difficulty increases gradually.
When a dog doesn’t perform the desired behavior, the owner must figure out why it has done this, instead of punishing him. Was the dog focusing on distractions? Hurt? Unable to hear? Or just unwilling to perform?
There are numerous books available to explain this method in more detail, but my advice is simply to stick with the first two ideas for fast, rewarding results for both you and your most loyal of buddies!
This article has numerous links to excellent material that will get you started immediately in the best way of basic Dog training – Positive Reinforcement / (with or without ) Clicker Training.
Summary: - The Best way to Train your Dog in 2020 is through Positive Reinforcement

How to Train Your Dog in 2020.. Remember..
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