Table of Contents
Covid19 Politics – How the Pandemic Has Mutated To An Ugly Grab For Votes… at the expense of public well being…
We’ve already seen unscrupulous China play the – ‘Vaccine for favors’ game with the poorer nations of the world. Elsewhere globally, opportunistic and ruthless governments have used the pandemic ‘Fear” to seize greater control.
In a moderate and ‘JUST” democracy such as Australia, it’s appalling that misinformation via deliberate poor communication is being used in a similar way.
An election is looming in Australia and its government is attempting to delay – and tailor the timeframe for its International borders opening to obtain maximum fear effect to bolster its re-election chances.
In Australia’s case – in the interests of its people and indeed the people of the world, the Government needs to forget Covid19 Politics and its polarised election agenda and:
- Set a Firm Date for Borders to re-open – RAPIDO – ASAP that allows all to have the chance of vaccination.
- Come clean and honestly explain the fact there will be no more “excess deaths” due to Covid19 – once the majority are vaccinated. Take note of USA CDC, Israel, and UK latest data, and explain to the public how safe it is with the majority vaccinated.
- Cut the political BS and fear-mongering and pushing of “Fortress Australia” and with it, the misleading “Tragedy of a single Covid Death” mantra after Covid enters a vaccinated community.
Humans Need Incentive – So Give It To Them – SET A FIRM DATE – Sooner Rather Than Later

If the government of any nation REALLY wants to get a move on with a vaccination program, they must treat their human voters as humans – and give them an INCENTIVE to get vaccinated.
For starters that means a firm date. eg. DEC 15 2021. Provide a firm date that is realistic that allows everyone who wants protection to have the chance to get it. The ONLY way the date would be changed is if some logistics problem arose that meant not all who were willing were given the chance.
After that date – it must be explained that there is a good chance of the pathogen being largely present in the community. Watch the rush for the jab! – I’m betting the date will be able to then be moved forward, not back.
In the case of COVID19 ( or any other pathogen) – the vaccination of the population means it can now run amok in the community – but it will have NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT on the overall death rate anymore. The excess death rate won’t be increased. The chances of dying are now the same with or without the diseases present in the community. Humans being humans, when vaccinated, are happy little vegemites knowing their chance of death this week is exactly the same as next week – with or without the TB, measles, or Covid19 spikes circulating freely.

“EXCESS Deaths” – What It Means And Why It’s Important In Relation To Covid19 Politics And Vaccinations.
We all die. If our CHANCES of death are the same whether COVID is in the community or not, then who cares?
Right now, Covid is causing excess deaths in places where the vulnerable are not protected. ‘Excess deaths’ – put simply, are the number of deaths ABOVE the average amount expected in the population as determined by statistical average. We all die, after all, so every day, every, month, every year there is an average number of people who die in every population. In poorer nations, it’s higher (per head of population) due to poor diet, conditions, and lack of medical resources. The “Excess Death” rate due to outbreaks of severe disease such as COVID19, – will also tend to be higher in countries where there is the greater vulnerability of the population in general to it.
Right now even in India – many people are dying of Covid, who would otherwise have died of dysentery, the flu, pneumonia, heart disease, septimius, malaria, or starvation. The EXCESS DEATH rate is the most important statistic to reveal the actual real-world impact of the disease. In India right now, the Excess Death rate – the numbers of deaths ABOVE the seasonal average, is high because there is virtually NO protection from Covid, and resources to combat the disease are very limited. People who would normally die of something else are dying of Covid19 instead, and a great deal more people who would not normally die, are also dying of Covid19. There is a high Excess death rate there – directly attributed to the presence of COVID19 in the population.

Take a look at Israel on the other hand, USA, and the UK now. With most of the population vaccinated in Israel, and significant portions vaccinated in the USA and UK, the excess death has plummeted – and even without 100% vaccination – is at absolutely normal levels in Israel the USA and actually negative in the UK.
What does this mean? It means that right now, the presence of Covid19 in the community is having Zero impact on your chance of dying in these countries.
COVID19 is having a ZERO impact. YES, ZERO. In other words, once most of the population are vaccinated, it’s already PROVEN, by Israel, the USA, and the UK, that COVID19 in the community does NOT increase your overall chances of death.
In this case if the vulnerable don’t die of one particular cause, chances are they will instead die from another. It might be the flu that kills them, or heart disease, or Covid19. On average, however, the same number of people die every day from all causes. Covid19 being present does not increase the average number of deaths on any given day.
Dr. Fauci USA CDC “So even though there are breakthrough infections with vaccinated people, almost always the people are asymptomatic, and the level of virus is so low, it makes it extremely unlikely, not impossible, but very, very low likelihood that they are going to transmit it.”
International Border Closures Affects Hundreds Of Millions Worldwide – And Is Literally Killing People In Third World Countries.

With happy humans no longer living in eternal fear of the shadow of Covid19, international and national borders can then be opened – and millions of peoples lives and livelihoods – YES HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS GLOBALLY – can then start to be returned to some sense of normality. Even if a small ( wealthy) nation such as Oz re opens its borders and the tourism dollars trickle out, the flow on effect to tourist ravaged areas of the world will be enormous.
The economic fallout of COVID travel restrictions in Third World countries – (which rich Fortress safe Ozzies and Kiwis easily forget) – is exponentially worse than wealthy nations. Hard to imagine over bacon and eggs and a latte, that lives are being lost every single day globally right now due to the lack of the tourist and travel dollar filtering down and feeding the very poor.
Let’s Look At What’s Happening In Australia More Closely Right Now.
Right now the vast majority of Australians want “Fortress Australia” to remain in place even after the population is vaccinated. (And truly a long time after most of the population is vaccinated in mid-Dec 2021.)
The government is attempting to keep this very popular notion alive until Election Day in May /June 2022, use it as policy, and hence get re-elected on the basis of it.

Why do the majority want this? One must assume – because they just DON’T UNDERSTAND – that as in Israel, the USA, and the UK show now – once the population has been vaccinated, the Excess Death rate reduces to insignificance. Ask the CDC – The science is in.
Every human wants to survive, but if we KNOW that survival chances are no worse with COVID or a bad case of the shingles running through the community, then logically of course we would not be alarmed.
We all die. If our CHANCES of death are the same whether COVID19 is in the community or not, then who cares?
So WHY are Australians so afraid? The reason is quite obvious. The Government is deceiving the population about their mortality chances after all (or most) have been vaccinated. The information above about EXCESS Deaths is simply NOT being explained, and quite deliberately. The Prime Minister is using any Covid19 death as an excuse to keep “Fortress Australia” – and the “Shit Scared Of Covid At All Cost” – voters onside until at least election day.
This was illustrated very clearly with Scott Morrison’s recent criticism of comments by Virgin Airway’s CEO Jayne Hrdlicka. The CEO tried to explain that Australians need to accept that ultimately there will be some Covid19 deaths – (but not excess deaths), and it should be accepted just as death from the seasonal flu is accepted. The Prime Minister deliberately fuelled community fear by criticising this – implying that any future Covid19 death was an intolerable tragedy, ( So is EVERY SINGLE DAILY DEATH now intolerable? ) – out of context of a vaccinated population and its then lack of influence of Excess Deaths.
The government WANTS everyone to be fearful – after the majority is vaccinated – of even ‘ONE COVID DEATH’ should the borders open – to align the voters with the outdated policy of Fortress Australia until after the election. The policy is incredibly popular right now – so it will get the government re-elected 100% for sure if they can keep it going until Election Day in early /mid-2022.
Cut The Political BS And Fear Mongering – WAKE UP AUSTRALIA!
There is MASSIVE COST, both in lives and livelihoods worldwide by closing borders and halting International tourism.
Read: Unmasking the Devastating Impact of COVID-19 on Children Worldwide…
First-world business, lives, and livelihoods are being destroyed, and Third world lives are being LOST – yes LOST due economic impact of first-world countries closing borders. ( Read …)
If the EXCESS DEATH rate is no more with or without COVID in the community,
To keep International borders closed for even a day just to get re-elected –
Is Downright Criminal.
Wake up Australia!.
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