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35 Starve To Death Every Day – Due To No Australian Outbound Tourism.
The Cost Of Staying In Oz – 35 Deaths / Day
Actually – it’s probably many times that. Yes, it’s hard to say EXACTLY. But even if it were only five per day – shouldn’t that be five times more the reason to allow vaccinated Australians OUT of the country at least?
It seems easy to neglect – just another nebulous story of poor kids dying in the third world – but no one is asking for donations – or to give anything up in this instance to help them.
Just allow OUTBOUND tourism to start again – vaccinated Ozzies – off you go! Start spending and at least get some of those tourism dollars $$ flowing into the system.
So Where Does This Figure – 35 Starve To Death / Day Come From?
The U.N. World Food Program and Oxfam. [Ref]

The bottom line is an additional 9 million ( 25,000/day) are starving to death as a direct result of global Covid-19 measures. That’s double the pre-Covid-19 levels of 2019. ( If you don’t believe that just google “ how many starve to death every day.” It will instantly give you an answer of 25000, the 2019 pre-Covid-19 level yet to be updated to the doubled figures. )
[Ref. U.N. Warns Number Of People Starving To Death Could Double Amid Pandemic]
[Ref. International relief agency Mercy Corps.]
Part of that doubled amount is due to the 7 trillion fewer Travel and Tourism (TnT) dollars flowing into developing countries. Part is due to internal lockdowns and travel restrictions within the affected countries.
Australian travel usually contributes around 1.4% of the global TnT figure. That means by cutting that 1.4% off, the Australian government is directly responsible for 1.4% of the component of extra Covid-19 starvation caused by the fewer tourism dollars. [Ref.] ( Tourism Statistics 2019-2020: Latest Data – Australia 1.4%)
That component is hard to measure exactly. There is an argument that it accounts for up to 50% of the extra Covid-19 starvation. At a very conservative estimate of just 10%, that makes (25000 x 10% x1.4%) = 35.
But that’s only an estimate right? Of course – yes an estimate – but a VERY conservative one. More likely it’s multiples of that.

But How Do Travel Restrictions In Australia, Or Other Rich Nations Cause Starvation In The Third World?
Australians love to travel, they venture to all corners of the globe. Many travel to developing nations directly, and spend invaluable money there which ultimately supports feeding of the extremely poor…..
Tourism and Travel (TnT) are vital to the world economy. In 2019 TnT pumped US$8.8 trillion or 10.4% of global GDP into the world feed, accounting for 319 million jobs or one in ten of all jobs on the planet. The most important economic feature of activities related to the tourism sector is that they contribute to three high-priority goals of developing countries: the generation of income, employment, and foreign-exchange earnings. Right now 7 TRILLION fewer dollars are flowing into the world economy annually because of current travel restrictions worldwide.
At the most simplistic level – restricting travel in the first world cuts off huge sums of these TnT dollars to third world countries. As an example, UK Tourism alone contributed over 500 million USD to African nations in 2019. (The poor there survive on less than a dollar a day.) UK tourism accounts for 3.8% of global tourist $ dollars, Australia around 1.4% conservatively. [Ref.] (UK Tourism Statistics 2020-2021: Latest Data – Condor Ferries Australia 1.4%)
Those dollars are literally life and death for the extremely poor of developing nations.
The millions of already very poor who live from hand to mouth and worked in the TnT industry now have no source of income. Think also cleaners, drivers, small food-store operators, souvenir makers and sellers, along with those who sold their goods and services to these people. All of them – without a tourism industry – simply don’t have enough to pay for basic meals. Starvation…death.
To make things worse, those not directly involved in TnT have ALSO been pushed into starvation due to Covid-19. Lockdowns, travel restrictions and quarantine measures have caused 500 million jobs to disappear worldwide. Vitally, supply chains in poor areas are broken as a result. – Farmers can’t sell food from crops – because they can’t transport it to market properly. Food prices have risen sharply as a result. There is now no money for the farmers, the food goes to waste, and no food at reasonable prices for those at the end of the supply chain. Millions more very poor simply can’t afford the high-priced food, and the problem is hugely exacerbated.
Also, it must be pointed out that the world is very interconnected, especially in terms of dollars and trade. Many Australians travel to the UK for example, (no where near the starvation zones), and spend millions while there every year. All those dollars flow to UK residents and UK business. Some of those dollars stay in the Uk, but some of the recipient UK residents in turn travel to Africa, Asia or other developing nations and spend money there. Likewise the UK business may have interests in Africa or other developing countries, and again the money finds its way. The tourism dollars flow to all corners of the world indirectly.
The important thing is to HAVE International travel to place the dollars into the global feed. Re-iterating – US$ 8.8 TRILLION was spent pre Covid-19 on travel and tourism.
Vaccinated Australians LEAVING pose zero risk to the Australian Public
.There is zero risk to vulnerable Australians when any Australians LEAVE the country. – vaccinated or not. The argument that when they return – they carry a small risk of importing Covid-19 is true, but already mitigated with tests prior to departure and quarantine measures on arrival. Additionally there are already daily limits on the number of inbound to Australia, so more tourists departing just mean a longer wait time to return. The longer it takes to return, the greater the percentage of vaccinated Australians, and the lesser the risk to the vulnerable.
In the case of VACCINATED Australians departing the country, there should be no argument. Its their choice, they have mitigated risk to others with vaccination. The US CDC already acknowledges that the chances of getting Covid-19 once vaccinated, and then actually passing it on to others is minute – negligible. Possible sure, but so is being hit by lightning. Do we really want to run our lives fearful and catering to every possibility of such minute risk?
The US is already open for business – people are travelling and getting on with living. Australia is stuck in a time warp of irrational Covid-19 fear, scared of shadows and unable to move on. It suits the political agenda (a polarised fearful electorate makes re-election easy) – so common sense is not presented or prevailing from government.
The Very Real Global Cost Of Closing Australia’s Borders
Meanwhile there is a very real global cost of closing Australian borders. Delaying inbound tourism is costing some to lose their houses. Delaying outbound tourism is costing many to lose their lives. Even at one life per day – in a place far far away and a long long flight – shouldn’t that be considered too expensive??
Vaccinated Australians should be allowed to leave Australia now if they desire. The health risk to them – and the Australian population is – already less than insignificant. – The benefit to the world’s most unfortunate is life-savingly – enormous. Ultimate.
Coming Soon To:
Why the media needs to stop the BS ‘COVID CASES’ feed and start talking relevant ‘EXCESS DEATHS’ numbers.