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Why am I so "EVANGELICAL" - as a good mate put it, about the Corruption of Modern Medicine??

Corruption of Modern Medicine

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So why am I so ‘Evangelical’ as a good mate put it – about the Corruption of Modern Medicine?

A Lunchtime Conversation:

Ye wise men doth break bread, unknowingly bondeth by medical tyranny
Breaking Bread

I was recently asked “why am I so evangelical’ about the corruption – as I see it – in modern medicine. 🤔 

Between the three of us at the table:

  • One father had a 13 year old son with autistic spectrum disorder.
  • One father had a transgender son/ now daughter.
  • One father had two teenage daughters, both with multiple suicide attempts during the Covid era.
  • .Additionally, my father had recently died shortly after his 4th Covid vaccine. He was immediately hospitalised for several days after the first [mRNA] booster shot, and again after the second. Despite my research suggesting these shots were causing enormous amounts of death and harm, my family was captured by the relentless ‘safe & effective’ media propaganda – & I was vilified for attempting to stop him getting more. This, despite my explaining the facetime conversation with the attending paramedic at the booster shot, who told me (privately unfortunately;)

“Just tell him not to get any more! We are seeing this every day now, so many elderly are being harmed. I can’t say anything publicly though – or I’ll lose my job!”

Some Facts:

Hear ye, Hear ye!

Vax religion
  1. There’s now a 1 in 36 chance your grandkids will be autistic. It was less than 1 in 10,000 when we were born.
  2. There is a 6 times greater chance of Trans Gender Modality (TGM) if a child is autistic. There are many neurological commonalities between autism and TGM, without specific diagnosis.
  3. When we were born we had less than a handful of vaccines in early childhood.
  4. Now there are nearly 100 by the time a child turns 18.
  5. Covid vaccines have caused enormous harm, despite relentless censorship & propaganda to the contrary. One of the documented harms from peer reviewed literature, is neurological damage leading to anxiety, depression & suicide.
  6. It is a little known (deliberately hidden) fact that better sanitation & nutrition have made by far the largest contribution to the steady decrease in deaths from infectious disease since the 1800’s. ***see below
  7. Since 1986 there has been an explosion of childhood vaccines as a direct result of legislation being passed granting vaccine manufacturers immunity from any liability when their vaccines are put on the CDC ‘childhood register.’
  8. Recent studies show a doubling of risk for developmental delays by vaccinating. Unvaccinated kids are markedly healthier & have far lower rates of chronic disease than even partially vaccinated ones. 
  9. Pandemics have a history of being seriously exaggerated or totally faked before in the pursuit of power & vaccine profits. (eg Swine Flu 1976 & again in 2009)


Some more facts regarding autism, neurological & psychological disorders & vaccines which are suppressed due vast sums of ‘BioPharma’ cartel money corrupting our media & medical system to the core:

Listen ye! Listen ye!

Vax religion

“My call to parents – you gonna have to start learning these things yourself.  You better look at what we are studying & saying. – Your average physician doesn’t know – they’ve never looked at the literature or studied it.  It’s like a rumour they heard in Med school, it stuck in their head & its standard practise. Or maybe they’re just taking the word of some professor…  & when you look at it, turns out he has a lot of connections to pharmaceutical companies…”

Russel Blaylock – retired neurosurgeon

Russel Blaylock – retired neurosurgeon: Commenting on how Vitamin K at birth drastically increases leukaemia risk, and how totally inappropriate & the enormous dangers of the HepB vaccines are, given on the first day of birth. Hep B is simply not an issue for an infant (contracted by drug use & sexual transmission.) The vaccine contains excessive amounts of the highly dangerous neurotoxin aluminium.

As you would expect, there is a very clear link between toxins in the brain causing damage & every possible type of neurological disorder ranging from; ADHD, autism, behavioural disorders, anxiety, depression, psychosis, psychiatric disorders, suicidal ideation, alzheimers, dementia, gender dysphoria, sexuality, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, MS, guillain-barre, bells palsy, seizures, meningitis, parkinsons, strokes, motor neurone, migraine, encephalitis, brain cancer, etc etc etc etc… These conditions can manifest immediately or over time with repeated injury or brain degradation. Many vaccines contain adjuvants such as aluminium which cross the blood brain barrier. The lipid nanoparticles in all mRNA gene therapies also enter the brain relatively easily.

Arguably some diseases are beneficial if contracted as a child.

Additionally, the ‘viral diseases’ which appear easy to transmit (measles, chickenpox) often seem to be beneficial to extension of life, not the other way round as vaccination doctrine suggests.

  • Measles in childhood for a well fed, healthy child is rarely dangerous, and leads to complete immunity as an adult. Measles disease as an adult is often deadly.
  • Chicken pox in childhood protects against cancer. Not so if contracted as an adult.

Hence it appears beneficial to contract many of these ‘viral diseases’ as a child, but the vaccine industry makes no profit with such advice…

Click images below for more 

Damning evidence shows:

Understand Ye Understand Ye! Blasphemy is nigh!

  • Vaccines do indeed cause autism and a host of other neurological disorders
  • The FDA/ CDC & US Govt absolutely knows this & has attempted to cover it up:   Dr Mary Holland;

“With others, I published a law review article in 2011 showing that the government absolutely knew that vaccines cause autism –  and yet they have covered it up and lied about it since the inception of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. How many hundreds of thousands of children and families would have been spared the heartaches and crushing financial burdens of autism had the government come clean?”

  • The Covid mRNA vaccinations do indeed cause an enormous amount of brain disorderspsychiatric adverse events including depression, anxiety, & propensity to suicide.


See thee medical tyranny! See thee all of ye thy suffering!


So the answer as to why I’m so ‘Evangelical’ should now be a little more obvious…

There is a mountain of evidence that:

An evilly contrived, profit driven blind religious faith in ‘unquestionably safe’ modern medicine has led to:  

  • Dangerous Over -Vaccination of us all, &
  • It’s seriously affecting the lives of each and every one of us!


At that lunch table, there is no guarantee of course, but it is pretty likely my father’s life, all of our children’s lives, and our families lives had been turned upside down / extinguished by the corruption in the medical industry, that has led to over vaccination & enormous financial profit over health. ***see below at very end

Note: Even if the fate of our kids & families was, in fact, completely unrelated to any vaccination schedule, the fact that the possibility even exists as a viable one depicts the dire situation due to medical corruption we all find ourselves in now!

As testament to the level of corruption hiding the dangers of vaccination which has always been discoverable but most were too blinded to attempt, the ‘Father of Vaccination’ Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the world’s leading vaccinologist & his disciples, have just publically capitulated. After decades of claiming vaccine safety is robustly studied, they just admitted it is not, neither before nor after licensure! 

Read: [Godfather of Vaccines, Stanley Plotkin, Admits They Have Never Been Properly Tested. – But still tries to continue the gaslighting]

“while their article admits the studies have not been done, they write in the same breath that serious vaccine harms are “rare.” But if the studies have not been done, how do they know that? The answer is, they don’t, and they don’t care to know the truth. Their goal is to protect the products they have spent their careers defending and worshipping and that have brought them fame and riches.”        Click Godfather image to watch more damning analysis


Through momentous profit’s funding propaganda, censorship & psychological bullying (notion of antivaxxer) the Medical/ Pharma cartel has managed for decades in wealthy countries to enforce unnecessary & largely untested, harmful medical interventions on our children from birth. Parents are forcibly coerced into submission since most childhood institutions will not accept any ‘unvaccinated’ kids. The public, & doctors, are grossly misinformed by fierce & relentless education & media propaganda butchering the truth about lack of necessity, effectiveness & actual risk reward ratio. The bible of paediatric medicine, ‘The American Academy of Paediatrics’ in Dec 2000 described how most death from infectious disease had declined by 90 – 98% before vaccination was introduced, & amplified with the statement “Thus vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality seen in the first half of the century.” The US CDC credits clean water, sanitation & nutrition in no uncertain terms for the mortality declines. Such is the level of censorship protecting the pharma vaccine cartel, this vital truth for informed consent is not even mentioned or taught at medical schools & has been removed from regular internet searches  – it can only be found by access to the wayback machine archive. Similarly a story from 2006 of a government study showing flu shots were not only ineffective, but caused more flu deaths – was wiped. Read: [Govt. Study: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly – Potentially Deadly]

Click images for more

Through the same brainwashing mechanisms the medical cartel has unfairly instilled an unfounded, bordering on religious, ‘unquestionable faith’ upon their disciplinary doctors in the merit of vaccination, to the point their powers of saviour cannot be performed upon unworthy sinners who have refused to bend the knee. This, with no scientific, but justification of misguided faith alone, remains apparent in hospitals where one cannot visit family or newly borns without certain ‘vaccinations,’ which are even known not to stop transmission or infection. Just recently a young girl who needed a lung transplant had her short life extinguished because she was too unclean to be saved – she wasn’t covid vaccinated. All this when the reality is, as Stanley Plotkin  – ‘Father of modern vaccination’ has just publicly admitted:..

No significant pre-rollout safety studies have been done on ANY vaccines! Ever!!

So in effect, the entire vaccine industry is fraudulent, and has always been! 

RANT complete! 🤬

Censorship & Propaganda by the ‘Trusted News’ is the real ‘Misinformation’

Forgive them, for how should they ‘hve known?


Censorship in the aligned media, & relentless misinformation & propaganda – ironically from those who gaslight us about how dangerous that is [the captured WHO, & regulators such as FDA, CDC, TGA, etc,] affects both doctors & patients.

This makes informed decisions regarding medical interventions virtually impossible without buckets of research outside of mainstream platforms. Read below about recent censorship to hide vaccine injuries.

I’ve never seen so many young people having cardiac MRIs in my entire career. There are people who’ve had heart damage, myocarditis, they’ve had heart problems”

Prof Kerryn Phelps

Click image for more

My mate who asked me is actually married to a high profile – lovely doctor. Ironically, they are the least likely to be aware of the extent of corruption in the medical industry all the way to the top. It’s clear that the US FDA & CDC are totally captured by the pharmaceutical cabal, & this extends to western democracy regulators such as TGA in Australia & MHRA in the UK. (Just look at the ‘revolving door’ culture between regulators & pharmaceutical companies.) Medical authorities such as the AMA inform their doctors as directed by the captured FDA/ CDC with no question. Internal ‘safety signal’ investigations always go back to the source – further studies/ evidence provided by the regulators or those in cahoots with them. The regulators / governing bodies also provide their own propaganda regarding ‘safety profiles’ of products & include what ‘misinformation’ is travelling around ‘dodgy websites’ on the internet. The US Govt. is implicated, & the global mainstream media are part of the cabal. A closed circuit of powerful forces.

As a result, the ‘other side of the argument’ which contains vast numbers of real life cases & irrefutable proof of decades of extensive & serious vaccine harms for example, is either never seen or summarily disregarded as exaggeration & ‘misinformation’ :

As a result, most of us, my well meaning mates, & the majority of well meaning doctors, are simply indoctrinated followers of the vaccine religion, & staunch ‘non believers’ of the actual truth. ‘Blissfully unaware…’

Forgive them they arn’t not well informed!!

In fact, due to the Medical/ Pharma/ Media cartel’s no less than nefarious misinformation, we are all – every one of us – paying very, very dearly indeed.

We need to wake each other up, emphatically,evangelically’ even – & stop the rot!


Vent complete!  😊 well..almost…

Donations Ye Donations Ye

vax baby


***[If what has transpired is not bad enough, there’s growing concern the Covid pandemic was vastly exaggerated – if not fabricated – with a globally coordinated fear campaign exaggerating ‘deaths from Covid’ combined with fraudulent PCR testing misrepresenting flu like illness. Documented, fraudulent pandemics occurred previously in 1976 & 2009, but again, vested interest censorship has made this fact uncommon knowledge.

Personally, if that is indeed the case, essentially what amounts to medical corruption on the grandest scale resulted – in addition to the fore mentioned:

  • the loss of my future retirement business ( a sports bar in Vietnam )
  • no access to my country or family for the best part of two years,
  • draconian lockdowns which no doubt contributed to my daughters issues
  • forced vaccination with an unwanted, untested gene therapy product to allow me to keep my job or ultimately even enter my country.]

Click images above & below for more

Read: [Top Study: Covid Shots Directly Linked to Sudden Deaths Surge]

Some Viral Controversy

To add another level of controversy, the former Vice President of Pfizer, along with a growing number of heavily censored scientists – has concluded all that he studied & was taught in medical school regarding ‘viruses’ is wrong. There is no doubt people fall ill but the actual cause & biological mechanism of ‘viral illness’ is not at all well understood as the bio-pharma cartel would have you believe. Real life studies cannot replicate ‘transmission under the ‘virus theory – and it is just theory,’ & recent control experiments that, incredibly, were never previously done show ‘virus’ particles present with zero viral contamination present…  [Thats a whole other story for another post…]

We need first & foremost – to wake people up to the propaganda & censorship.

Awaken Ye !Awken Ye! – Slumber at thy Peril!

Wake Up!
Let There Be An Awakening!


Sadly, despite an abundance of evidence dispelling the vaccine religion, I have no doubt the vast majority of humanity, already worshippers, will disregard the indisputable facts & continue on that treacherous most chosen path. Human nature, for some reason, has an inherent need for belief. Giving up a known ‘truth’ already (nefariously) ingrained is virtually impossible for the vast majority. In denial of enlightenment, they will FIND WAYS TO BELIEVE regardless.

Sadly, therefore, I suspect nothing much will change, & we will carry the ever increasingly disastrous burden of vaccine religion through many generations to come…

‘The fruits of the almighty vaccine industry shall remain with all. 😩 Amen’   

Let There Be An Awakening!