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Vaccination research your Doc won't tell you - Parents / Grandparents it's worth a look!

vaccination research your doc wont tell you

Vaccination is one of the first decisions a new Parent must make – & it’s hard to get independent advice!

Mr Global

This post is stitched together from previous posts that refer to ‘Mr Global.’ For the purposes of this post, think of Mr Global as the ultimate beneficiary of all the profits combined of what is now, a truly global – immensely profitable – ‘Vaccine Industry.’ Mr Global is heavily associated with the US government, the media, & the US FDA/ CDC.

Sadly, well intentioned doctors are informed & bound by their countries regulators across the globe, who in turn simply follow US FDA and CDC advice without question. US laws that changed in 1986 have given enormous incentive – including no liability – to vaccinate children excessively. In 1963 there were maybe 5 vaccines for kids. Now, counting the newly added covid jabs, there is over 100 by the time they turn to adults. Mountains of money from vaccines have corrupted research papers, the FDA & CDC, & the very advice they give to our governing bodies of doctors. The advice we parents/ grandparents end up with is designed for profit now, not health. Read: [Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History’]

 Please just follow the links provided in this short presentation, to allow you a more informed decision about the health of your most treasured possession…

Note – I have a BSc (hons) – I’m not a doctor. I am, however, a dedicated parent and capable of robust research. You’ll find the best independent advice now from non- mainstream media sources. Use a search engine such as Yandex – not Google. The media and pharmaceutical companies are all owned by Mr Global now, so it’s largely censored & propaganda.

Click on blue text or images that pulse for more

Mr Global has gone to enormous lengths to suppress the truth about vaccines. Through recent FOIA lawsuits an extraordinary unconstitutional censorship attempt to ban sales of any book that opposes vaccines has been made by the US – Biden administration government! Just read one of the 43 books listed above to unravel the enormity of brainwashing we have all received since childhood on this topic. The truth is better sanitation & nutrition have made the largest contribution to the steady decrease in deaths from infectious disease since the 1800’s. Over-vaccination has likely caused immeasurable damage to humanity & provides Mr Global direct access to the manipulation of health & therefore profits from the entire world’s population.

Infant & childhood mortality has improved dramatically the last 50 years with readily available & accessible healthcare & antibiotics (treatment for pertussis for example.) With chronic disease & disorders such as autism ballooning, a critical, informed appraisal is needed to ascertain the real risk/ reward of vaccination. 

[‘A MidWestern Doctor – The Forgotton Side of Medicine’] substack also provides many vaccine posts including a great summary of the vaccine schedule risks – for a small fee. 

‘Dissolving Illusions,’ ‘Turtles All The Way Down,’ & ‘Vax-Unvax Let the science Speak’ are three are great books as an introduction to the mountain of suppressed information regarding childhood vaccines.  [Click image above for free download]

Vaccine induced Autism has been heavily suppressed by Mr Global

Read some of the articles by clicking on the images below to reveal little know facts about the lack of safety studies required for vaccines, & their fiercely guarded hidden link to autism. Propaganda by Mr Global has suppressed the fact studies now show unvaccinated children have better long term outcomes than vaccinated. This may well be a product of the sheer number of injections our poor kids are subjected to now, due to the cumulative toxic affects of adjuvants such as aluminium & thimerosal. Studies to determine this have simply not been conducted. 

Click on the images that pulsate for more information regarding the heavily corrupted vaccine industry.

Recent studies show a clear correlation between chronic illness / disorders & vaccination rates. Vastly improved sanitation & nutrition virtually eliminated nearly all diseases before vaccines were introduced…

Amish people don’t vaccinate. Amongst 800,000 of them, no autism can be found. In the US it is now 1 in 36, up from  < 1 in 10,000 in 1963.

Vaccines, unlike drugs, have no long term placebo based controlled safety studies

In a recent attempt to gain more funding, the ‘Father of Vaccination’ Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the world’s leading vaccinologist & his disciples, have just publically capitulated. After decades of claiming vaccine safety is robustly studied, they just admitted it is not, neither before nor after licensure! 

“while their article admits the studies have not been done, they write in the same breath that serious vaccine harms are “rare.” But if the studies have not been done, how do they know that? The answer is, they don’t, and they don’t care to know the truth. Their goal is to protect the products they have spent their careers defending and worshipping and that have brought them fame and riches.”                         Click Godfather image for more

Mr Global has relied heavily on vaccines to achieve his goals for decades. He relies on the suppression of the abundant serious harms they cause & the fact that unlike drugs – incredibly – proper long term, placebo based controlled safety studies on vaccines are simply not required or done! As this & the ICAN table above show, (mandatory) vaccines given in first 6 months of life have a few days to a month safety follow up with zero – or other vaccines, (pointless since they have no safety studies either) – as controls…

No placebo controlled trials are done on vaccines

Paediatricians have enormous financial incentives to vaccinate your children

Pediatricians have more than a basic monetary incentive to vaccinate their patients — they are also motivated by the knowledge that they could lose their job if they don’t. In this special CHD.TV interview with Dr. Paul Thomas, viewers hear important insights on corruption in medicine, pandemic protocols, vaccine science, sudden deaths, natural immunity and more.

Arguably some diseases are beneficial if contracted as a child.

Additionally, the ‘viral diseases’ which appear easy to transmit (measles, chickenpox) often seem to be beneficial to extension of life, not the other way round as vaccination doctrine suggests.

  • Measles in childhood is rarely dangerous, and leads to complete immunity as an adult. Measles disease as an adult is often deadly.
  • Chicken pox in childhood protects against cancer. Not so if contracted as an adult.

Hence it appears beneficial to contract many of these ‘viral diseases’ as a healthy child, but the vaccine industry makes no profit with such advice…

During Covid lockdowns in 2020, there was a 30% reduction in Infant Mortality (SIDS)

Parents were unable to attend vaccine schedule visits during this time. 

Click image to watch video regarding SIDS, toxins in vaccines & more

Definitive mainstream Government Study showed Flu Shots were Not Effective & Potentially Deadly – so it was ignored & the story wiped from the internet…

In 2006 CBS news published a damning video & story about an important & definitive ‘mainstream’ government study that showed after decades & billions of dollars promoting flu shots for the elderly, the mass vaccination program did not result in saving lives. In fact, the death rate among the elderly increased substantially. Many similar studies from other countries showed the same result. 

To protect the flu vaccination program, the story was ignored by authorities & all reference was pulled from CBS archives & wiped from the internet. Through the internet archive however, – the wayback machine, the story can still be retrieved. 

Click images for more

BlackRock & its owners Mr Global, profit from the chronic illness epidemic – which at the same time, sadly, is reducing life expectancy… 

Click on images for more.

Corrupted FDA (global) policies are promoting chronic illness & shortening, not extending, lifespans. mRNA has caused severe immune system damage at a population level. There are also many associated neurological issues. With immune system damage, illness is ballooning. Mr Global’s profits of course, continue to soar…

Pandemics have been faked before:  The Swine Flu Pandemic Frauds of 1976 & 2009:

Swine flu was fraudulently promoted as a deadly pandemic in 1976 and again in 2009. Both resulted in mass vaccination programs causing large scale death & injury. The WHO was even charged with fraud & held to account by European parliament in 2009 over the fabrication.  Articles written in Forbes magazine regarding the scandal have subsequently been taken down from the internet, but remain in the archives… 

With captured mainstream media all aligned with Mr Global now its easier than ever to commit such a fraud. Creating inordinate FEAR through coordinated psychological warfare to create the impression of a pandemic is a heavily studied technique by defence agencies such as DARPA.  Inappropriate, fraudulent PCR testing for example, can give the impression of widespread viral disease. Pfizer made over 100 billion dollars from vaccines alone during covid. With ‘Bird Flu’ fear mongering reaching a crescendo, it may be worth revisiting the WHO’s swine flu pandemic history to critically reassess necessity for vaccination… 

Tip of The Vaccine Iceberg Reality…

As you can see from this short presentation, all is not as advertised when it comes to the highly profitable vaccine industry. Please do your own research outside of the captured mainstream. Then at least you can make a more informed decision about something which could potentially change your entire families lives forever…
