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A 5 TRILLION Dollar Industry…
The reality: [ Bold claims! ] – but despite what we’ve been taught:
1.Virology is pseudoscience – ‘Scary viruses’ don’t exist! – Toxins & malnutrition cause disease.
2.Vaccines are inherently dangerous – and they have nothing to do with the imaginary viruses.
Whilst this may alarm you – stick with the post to see that its backed up by indisputable evidence, & even CHAT GPT and META agree…
We (doctors, academics, politicians included) have been the subjects of incomprehensible – & diabolical – propaganda for over a century…
Note from author: I am not a doctor, however I trained at the RAAF Academy where I completed a BSc (hons) & my thesis on Biological Warfare. Even in the 80’s, it was well established in military studies that ‘viral diseases’ – whatever causes them – were inadequate as weapons due to the fact they were either very deadly – and did not appear to spread, or they were very common, & not particularly dangerous. Either way very deadly global ‘viral pandemics’ were considered impossible, even with the limited knowledge that existed of their nature…
Click on any blue text / any image that pulsates for more references. Further reference list at the the end of the post. A VPN may be needed to overcome govt censorship.
Better on ipad / pc with full browser
Here’s something to chew on next time you get bombarded by ‘new scary virus’ killing hundreds blah blah…
Turns out control experiments had never been thoroughly done in regard to viruses. Recent studies with controls now show a ‘scary virus’ is just a broken down cell fragment – a result of the very complex process of trying to ‘find’ it. There is absolutely no proof of replication in host cells by these particles. Cell debris cannot replicate & cannot cause disease!
Click images above for further explanation Watch: [The Viral Delusion – Part 1] for the best explanation
Furthermore, these cell artifacts are genetically ‘sequenced,’ – then templates of the so called viral ‘sequence’ are compared to any further artifacts produced by the same cell destruction process to ‘prove’ the existence of ‘viruses’ in later lab analysis. Complete circular logic that proves nothing!
Hundreds of Freedom of Information responses from every health/ science institution including US FDA/ CDC & hundreds of others requested show no record held of any virus including SARS -COV-2 ever being found in a host & isolated/ purified. There is also no record of any studies demonstrating conclusively contagion of colds/ flu/ covid/ pox or even diseases purported to be definitively caused by certain bacteria … because they don’t exist:
‘***A century of published clinical experimentation has failed to demonstrate that:
Whatever the causes of acute respiratory illnesses, they are NOT CONTAGIOUS.***’
You simply cant ‘catch’ a cold or flu from someone exhibiting symptoms disease.
This clearly shows the ‘Virus Theory of Contagion’ to be false.
**This is fact – despite what we’ve been taught to think.**
***To explain – Watch Dr Tom Cowan: [The End of Virology (once again): webinar from November 20th, 2024]***
Note that (captured) Google & mainstream scientific data bases will quote many studies that claim ‘transmission’ has been proven to have occurred by the presence of ‘antibodies’ or ‘virological assays.’ Measurement & analysis of these sub – microscopic entities & processes are sold to us as proven fact. In reality, just as with the entire field of ‘virology’ – they are just ‘accepted’ – but very much unproven – theory! More pseudoscientific house of cards! [See video on ‘Immunity’ & ‘antibodies‘]
The real, indisputable proof that modern medicine simply doesn’t understand the intricacies of disease cause & transmission, is the fact that:
Some decent references in the books as shown above. Start with ‘Can You Catch a COLD?’ & ‘The CONTAGION MYTH.’
Free download of these books search by name after clicking [here] Watch: [Video library Drs Sam & Mark Bailey]
Read :[Viroliegy] Read: [Do bacteria cause disease? Do viruses?] Read: [The Questionable Virus Theory] Read: [About “Terrain theory” and why viruses don’t cause diseases]
Doctors, like us are never taught that there was an opposing theory of disease called ‘Terrain Theory’ – that was shutdown by powerful (largely Rockefeller funded) propaganda at the the turn of the century. The Rockefellers also took over practically all medical research institutions, prestigious universities, & ensured only the highly profitable germ theory was promoted to this day.
Terrain theory suggests disease comes from within, from cellular abuse as a result of environmental toxin poisoning, stress or malnutrition. Symptoms of illness result from the detoxification process. It promotes the observation that bacteria are not the cause of disease – but come to clean the diseased flesh, & are polymorphic in nature, able to change as environment dictates. Certain bacteria & parasites flourish with certain toxic induced illnesses, & are present to help in the detoxification process. This is similar to how algae flourish & help to clean toxic bodies of water.
As observed, when the seasons change, likelihood of illness increases. Lack of radiational nutrients from the sun, changes in temperature & humidity, & presence of environmental toxins such as pollution or pollen can induce widespread detoxification manifesting as illness. Recent studies show sleep deprivation is linked to flu like symptoms. People exposed to the same toxins due to their same environment can get sick at the same time. Mould, tainted water or food, certain paints, unsanitary conditions & radiation can all induce sickness. We often ‘come down with an illness’ when we are stressed or fearful. Disease is most prevalent in third world countries where malnutrition is common.
Latest studies show the role of electromagnetic radiation – 5g / Wifi etc is particularly understated by modern medicine & mainstream media as a significant cause of disease. (See 2011 study showing 7Mhz radiation with water present ‘transmits’ DNA changes, proving how little modern medicine knows & can really account for ‘contagion’)
Antibiotics kill bacteria – this we can see – but terrain theory suggests the mechanism of treating symptoms of disease is by their ability to cause adrenal gland secretions in the bloodstream that help flush out the dangerous toxins. Antibiotics also kill gut microbiome, which is now known to impair the bodies natural ability to ultimately remain healthy.
Similarly certain ‘antiviral’ drugs seem to help clear some disease symptoms. Virologists will tell you this is because they inhibit ‘viral replication’ – but there is zero evidence to support this. Like most medicine, trial & error has led to these drugs being used, but the intricacies of why – at the micro biological level – are simply unknown.
We are conditioned to believe that bacteria or imaginary ‘viruses’ transmitted from person to person are the primary cause of illness, but as 100 years of experiments clearly show – & are conveniently ignored by modern medicine – this is definitely not the case.
**In previous societies – in the not too distant past – it was normal to emphatically believe witches’ spells could cause disease & death.**
Enormous pharmaceutical profit can be derived from the current ‘Germ theory’ by promoting drugs & vaccines to kill the bacteria & imaginary viruses which it wrongly says are the sole causes of disease.
Vaccination is a completely pointless intervention to enhance health according to terrain theory. Please read on though – as you will see – further indisputible proof of vaccine harm is evident from Charles Richet’s Nobel prize winning discovery back in 1913. He showed that injecting any foreign protein into the body will cause endless varieties of harm. Vaccines are full of foreign proteins.
It follows that if virus theory is falsified – the concept of vaccination is also flawed.
There is abundant evidence to support this – which you also may find hard to believe – because it has been seriously censored & falsely discredited by mainstream media – and more recently big tech – for more than a century.
See these books which recent FOI lawsuits show the Biden administration has been trying to censor even last year. They all show the undeniable truth that every major disease disappeared with better sanitation, water quality and nutrition. Vaccines had nothing to do with it – despite what we are taught in school, and indeed what doctors are taught in medical school.
There is zero actual evidence to support the fanciful claims that vaccines have actually prevented any disease, ever! See: Denis Rancourt [Did Covid vaccines really save 12 million lives?]
All of the once dangerous diseases can be easily treated now with antibiotics and good nutrition.
[For a good explanation of what really happened with the vastly misrepresented ‘Spanish Flu’ click here. For a comprehensive explanation regarding smallpox, polio, measles etc etc watch Roman Bystrianik’s 6 part documentary here or the full video ‘Dissolving Vaccine Illusions.’]
Every major disease disappeared with better sanitation, water quality and nutrition. Vaccines had nothing to do with it.
Furthermore – & the most disturbing, the self promoting eugenist Charles Richet – in 1913 won a Nobel prize for proving that any foreign protein repeatedly injected into the body – as opposed to ingested via the stomach – will cause anaphylaxis in 20% of recipients over the course of their lives. It may be immediate – or take a decade to manifest.
This incredibly important discovery has been deliberately omitted from all medical school training. [Credit to ex- pharmaceutical executive Sasha Latypova & her crew for rediscovering this vital scientific gem & campaigning now to make it widespread knowledge!]
Vaccine ingredients, incredibly, use a combination of bizarre animal cells, & ‘adjuvants’ – metals & various foreign proteins – such as peanut oils – which supposedly enhance the ‘immune response’ to the (imaginary) virus particle. Richet’s Nobel Prize shows conclusively that the more times these foreign substances are injected after an ideal period (21 days or more – ‘coincidentally’ as per usual vaccine recommendations), the greater the chance of anaphylaxis over time.
It also explains the rapid increase in such things as peanut & other food allergies as vaccination increased.
With 72 injections now during childhood,(in the 60’s there were 3) no wonder chronic illness & allergies have skyrocketed in direct correlation to the increase in vaccination with the zero liability law of 1986. Autism is now at 1 in 36, vs 1 in 10,000 during middle last century.
A growing number of medical professionals & activists have woken up to the debilitating/ deadly ‘vaccine’ scam. However, powerful propaganda persists, with the vested interests now trying to divert attention to suggest ‘processed food’ & ‘food additives’ are the culprits behind the chronic illness/ autism epidemics.
Richets Nobel Prize research also shows this as nonsense. The digestive system can handle almost any protein, unlike injections, which are forced upon children from day one of their lives. In western countries following corrupt US FDA guidelines, 27 are now essentially mandated by the age of two!
As further compelling proof recent major studies of vaccinated vs unvaccinated – incredibly – show the unvaccinated are virtually chronic illness free. (2% chronic illness vs 68% in vaccinated.) The Amish – who don’t vaccinate, have zero autism in their community of ~ 800,000.
See:[Major Study: ‘Unvaccinated Are Healthiest People on the Planet’]
In further recent studies: The evidence is clear. The higher number of vaccines given to infants, the greater the occurrence of disorders.
We get sick from a vast number of environmental toxins – some of the worst being man made (e.g.pesticides.) Other synthetic proteins – toxins – are produced from ‘Gain of Function’ (GOF) research – biological research to enhance toxicity of naturally occurring dangerous proteins. These toxins were historically most commonly developed for biological warfare, but more recently used to create the fraudulent notion of ‘pandemics’ – created to sell vaccines for huge profit, implement more power, & diabolically, to enable global population control.
A paper written in 2010, co-authored by Ralph Baric who is at the centre of Gain of Function (‘GOF’) research, & published in National Academy of Sciences proves that GOF experiments – cannot produce replicating ‘live viruses.’ There’s no such thing.
See Sash Latypova: [Dogma, or the silver lining of the “settled science”…]
If you are exposed you may get ill but they are inert poisons – you can’t transmit them to others. They can be spread in water, food, by aerosol but most efficiently by injection. Insect or animal bites can also spread toxins which may contain engineered GOF proteins, or naturally toxic proteins from sewerage. As a Nobel Prize from 1913 shows, rats repeatedly injecting proteins from sewerage via this method will produce many possible forms of disease. This explains the history of unsanitary conditions and associated ‘plague’ diseases such as ‘cholera.’ [See section: A Nobel Prize in 1913 Shows Vaccination Can Only Harm]
Flu like symptoms are the perfect cover with a falsified PCR / home test to give the impression for many of the fake ‘scary virus’ stories. There are thousands of Flu Like Illness (ILI natural toxins) that cause similar diseases – and the weak / frail are most affected. Seasonal changes with associated lack of nutrients from the sun, increase the likelihood of disease from these toxins. The vaccines cause more illness – which is often cleverly passed off as being due to the so called ‘virus.’
In the case of covid, patents from 2002 show:
The GOF research exists – but they simply find toxic proteins/ chemicals that they can use to poison &/or insert into vaccines, which already contain a host of other foreign proteins. Media campaigns scare the public sufficiently about false ‘viral spreading pandemics’ to accept injecting them.
An initial GOF toxin, (or some form of radiation poisoning,) is disseminated in specific areas & causes disease to those exposed. See [DARPA, DoD, EcoHealth DEFUSE Propsal implicates use of DRONES for Covid] Then with the help of a media driven fear frenzy, the vaccine program takes over to insert more toxins efficiently via injection en masse, causing much more widespread disease. A ‘Pandemic.’
The abundance of natural IFI’s – toxins that produce disease with similar flu like symptoms – means man made (GOF) toxins need not be released to create a ‘pandemic.’ Coordinated propaganda can cause widespread ‘flu like symptoms’ due fear alone, then when combined with the fake ‘testing’ & iatrogenic protocols with falsely classified deaths (using the fake tests) a fraudulent ‘pandemic is created. See Sage Hana [Denis Rancourt – there was nothing spreading]
Watch: Denis Rancourt PHD: [There was No Pandemic]
Even more profit $$$ results from the (usually inadequate) pharmaceutical treatments for a vast array of the vaccine induced chronic illnesses..
Most of us, understandably, have trouble believing that ‘virology’ is fraudulent pseudoscience based in fact on a ‘house of cards’ of unfalsifiable logic. We have been soaked in relentless propaganda from birth to tertiary education. For more than 50 years published research papers have been largely fraudulent, their conclusions driven by the prospect of enormous funding grants.
Many, along with career virologists, when confronted with this truth experience such cognitive dissidence they disregard the evidence. Most doctors & researchers are blissfully unaware of this fundamental fraud, & truly believe the resultant world of associated viral dogma.
Regardless of the hurdles, there is a rapidly growing awareness of the virology falsification amongst well established research scientists & medical professionals. One of the pioneers of the discovery was Australia’s Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopalos, the highly regarded micro biologist from ‘The Perth Group‘ as early as 1992. Published papers from the Perth group showed HIV was not the cause of AIDS, and in fact didn’t even exist as the propaganda would have us believe. Such is the might of the ‘Military Industrial Bio-Pharma complex,‘ the Perth Group’s work was never reported as it should have been. Now with each day more is being revealed by the likes of: [Dr Sam Bailey], [Dr Tom Cowan], [Dr Steven Lanka], [Dr Mike Yeadon], [Mike Stone], [Jaimie Andrews] & many others. See REFERENCES at end of this post.
**Watch: [The Viral Delusion Part 5 (short clip)] ** – excellent explanation of the absolute absurdity of the ‘viral sequencing’ process & the ‘variants’ fraud.
Increasing evidence is being unveiled to show these complex – computer derived methods – are also found to have inherently flawed logic on many levels. ‘Variants’ it would seem – are used to explain divergance of cell debris sequences when compared to the ‘templates’ obtained from previous cell debris produced in the same absurd, illogical manner of supposedly showing ‘viral’ causation of ‘cytopathic effect.’ Another massive pitfall of ‘genetic sequencing‘ is its reliance on computer modelling to fill in gaps – which totally undermines its accuracy. PCR tests are outright fraud when used to diagnose disease, as its inventor Kary Mullis – who died 2019 – emphatically explained.
Even so called DNA ‘genetic engineering’ to produce bacteria resistant crops, or beef with certain traits, when studied closely – without the ‘pseudoscientific bamboozlement’ factor – are shown to be nothing more than age old selective breeding techniques – taking advantage of hereditary traits (which most certainly exist but may have nothing to do with ‘genetics.’) Incredibly – ‘DNA testing’ – is often far less accurate than guesswork, unless the test subjects ‘DNA’ characteristics are known in advance! So much for convicting criminals based on this.…See [The DNA Hoax –Part 3: Forensics, Gene editing and Ancestry.]
Watch: Click on image below: New 7 part series explaining ‘Virus’ fraud, excellent explanation of the ‘DNA sequencing’ fraud, & history of the fraud
[To view trailer only click here]
***Click title below to watch the compelling series that comprehensively explains the ‘virology’ fraud. You will be astounded!***
To add some serious credibility to the argument that ‘Virology is Pseudoscience’ – ask the independent logic of those with access to the entire internet’s world of documents – ChatGPT and META !!
Here’s their answers: It’s a multi TRILLION dollar industry!! [ChatGPT & META confirm ‘Virology’ is fraudulent ‘pseudoscience’]
For further explanation see Dr Mike Yeadon’s substack articles here. Dr Yeadon was the eminently respected Vice President of Pfizer’s Respiratory R&D division for over a decade. He, like most PHD/ highly qualified medical professionals, was simply unaware of the vast degree of fraud at the sub – microscopic level of biology which has been built on a series of false assumptions & cleverly concealed for decades. It was only his investigation into ‘covid measures’ that revealed the enormous fraud to him.
If nothing else in regard to merits of vaccination, read his recent response to a parent asking if they should vaccinate their child…
Click on image below to read
This post doesn’t attempt to undermine the undeniable benefits of may facets of modern medicine. Rather we should appreciate that medicine has evolved to be excellent at ‘biological plumbing’ – (surgery etc) & a has a vast knowledge of certain drug/ antibiotics etc affects through years of trial and error.
What appears to be lacking is genuine robust knowledge of the biological mechanisms of anything beneath the visible microscopic level. Despite the hubris, plenty of theories surrounding processes involved in immunology, antibodies & complex cellular interaction are just that – theories, & as yet simply don’t provide the answers needed to easily cure the vast majority of disease. Much of the literature is built on a ‘House of Cards’ – & relies on unproven assumption.
Although sincerely well meaning, Doctors’ knowledge at this level is clearly compromised. They are largely unaware because [like in my own university indoctrination,] they’re taught that its ‘settled science.’ Doctors have virtually zero training about vaccine ingredients, safety studies (lack there of) & only a bias, corrupted knowledge of the history of disappearance of disease that has nothing to do with vaccination.
Increasingly now Doctors must follow their ‘bosses orders’ – driven by the enormously captured & corrupt FDA/ equivilent regulators. If they pry into reality & attempt to endorse or use any protocols outside those ‘approved,’ they will be vilified & even lose their livelihoods.
Over a century of propaganda has conditioned us to FEAR when we hear about the ’New Scary Virus’ stories.
As shown, it’s well known from published studies that if we allow ourselves to be fearful:
Currently there is Bird Flu, Marburg, Zika, mosquito borne virus etc etc etc being thrown at us from the captured mainstream media. These, along with the ‘GOF producing new scary virus stories’ are all lies designed to not only to make us FEAR & accept more loss of freedoms & profitable vaccination programs, but also to destroy small business (farms) etc & envelop them in massive corporate conglomerates. Fake PCR tests are diagnosing fake bird flu resulting in the culling millions of birds, cows & other livestock. – Note none of these animals are actually dying from the so called ‘bird flu.’ The fake PCR test falsely indicates the fabricated ‘virus’ is present, so the animals are killed en mass – by humans.
Meanwhile the US Govt/ DoD is promoting the fraud & gearing up for more dangerous mRNA bird flu vaccinations…
We should all remember to treat common flu/ cold like symptoms as we always have. Don’t ‘test.’ Only the very weak are at risk of more than a few days of bed. If a ‘new GOF sickness’ -(with vastly different symptoms to flu/ cold/ bronchitis etc) has been distributed via aerosol/ drones etc, remember – its a chemical poison – it can’t spread from person to person.
‘Human Induced’ Climate Change & ‘Pandemics’ are the two biggest hoaxes in human history.
They are engineered by the same group.
Notebly – Richet was a self confessed Eugenist. The evidence shows vaccination as a deliberate means to inflict harm, at the same time realising enormous profits, & furthering control & power. It’s the perfect means to manage the depopulation agenda – of which the vast majority of the public are still in firm denial of or blissfully unaware.
The Eugenist movement has existed amongst the powerful ruling class elites for centuries, & was most apparent during WW2 & the ‘Holocaust.’ What most don’t realise, is that it never disappeared, but simply went ‘underground’ for the last several decades. The recently unclassified 1974 ‘Kissenger Report’ shows the US government’s involvement. The UN/ WHO was found secretly inserting anti-fertility drugs in vaccinations in Africa in the 80’s. The Club of Rome has written books about how to deal with it’s perception of overpopulation.
Overpopulation is all nonsense of course, (the real motivation is that less people are easier to control,) but the deadly ideology is alive & well amongst many of the world’s most powerful people & entities such as ‘BlacRock.’ See [Larry Fink explains the new business model – Less People]
With virtually all main sources of media & big tech under their control, we, the people, need to delve deeply now to uncover the deceptions & stand up to tyrannical power grabs currently in play. If we don’t, an Orwellian 1984 style dystopian, technocratic future in a feudal system of slavery may be all our few surviving children will have to look forward to.
Heres some links to excellent presentations from a growing number of highly qualified medical/ research professionals who now believe the entire field of virology to be at best – flat out wrong, & at worst – deliberately fraudulent… Note that apart from a plethora of videos/ articles contained on their websites/ links provided, if you search Rumble/ Bitchute for their names you will find more videos. Youtube is completely captured & heavily censored.
***Drs Sam & Mark Bailey: A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)*** Excellent series of videos/ documents /explanations of how virology itself, along with every ‘viral’ & bacterial disease have been fraudulently misrepresented by decades of dogma via the ‘Germ Theory’:
The Viral Delusion – 7 part series:
**Prof David Rasnick PHD**:
ViroLIEgy X: @ViroLIEgy
Fraud Prevention Hotline:
Great summary of the ‘Virology’ fraud from the awakening masses:
Dr. Tom Cowan – Many excellent webinars on X:@drtomcowan: Forging a common sense approach to medicine and biology, grounded in deep inquiry and observations of nature.
Christine Massey’s substack:
Dr. Mike Yeadon:
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon (other Telegram channels with his name are fake !:)
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends:
Andrew Kaufman MD X: @AndrewKaufmanMD: Forensic Psychiatrist | Speaker | Expert Witness, Advocate for truth, freedom, and health. Become your own health authority.
Aldhissla X:@Aldhissla45 : Contagion is a myth.
Val Zimmer X: @ValZimmer2 Author of ‘Vaccines, Viruses & Bacteria: Not What You’ve Been Told.’
Exposing The Darkness:
***Due Diligence & Art***: Sasha Latypova ** Highly Recommend for a comprehensive understanding of how the vaccines can never work because of Richet’s Nobel prize of 1913, & how US Dept of Defense (DoD)/ Biopharma industry has over decades enabled ‘legal genocide’ using the ‘Prep Act’ & Covid / GOF frauds**
Jason Christoff:
Dr Brian Hooker: