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"Human Induced Climate Change" Narrative Shown To Be False Pseudoscience By Four Latest Peer Reviewed Studies

Human Induced Climate Change Narrative a Scam

Four recent peer reviewed studies below show IPCC to be a propaganda machine full of false pseudoscience to promote its agenda of wealth transfer & control mechanisms via the imaginary: ‘Human induced climate change’ narrative.

Humans are insignificant
  1. Climate change is nothing to do with CO2; Sunlight absorption is the key to the Earth’s ever naturally changing climate. [Link to study1]

  2. C02 conclusively lags temperature. [Link to study2]

  3. Atmospheric CO2 levels have nothing to do with humans anyway. [Link to study3] 

  4. The atmospheric CO2 observation data are not consistent with the climate narrative. Rather, they contradict it. [Link to study4] 


The four studies confirm that ‘Human Induced Climate Science’ is a ploy to exert control, redistribute wealth, and reshape society according to the whims of the global elite.

No its not BIG OIL propaganda!

For those of you who still believe any opposition to ‘The narrative’ is propaganda sponsored by ‘Big Oil’ – just ask Chat GPT how the latter now profits enormously from climate change policies. In fact the world continues to use record amounts of traditional petroleum based energy & ‘Big Oil’ has cleverly invested billions in the ‘carbon credit’ & ‘carbon capture’ scams making huge profits on both sides of the fence. They, of course, filter down through government to lobby for more free tax payer subsidies to prop up their highly profitable ventures.

Tax payer government subsidies to prop up ‘Renewable Energy’ are significantly increasing the cost of living 

The dominant reason for the monstrous cost of living increases in (once) wealthy western countries is due to the enormous – ever increasing – subsidies tax payers are forking out to prop up the completely inefficient & incredibly expensive ‘renewable’ energy initiatives driven by the ‘Net Zero’ fanaticism. 

Click image for more

As the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) chart shows, Govt subsidies are the only way to enable the transfer to the totally inefficient ‘green’ energy net zero fantasy, meaning massive taxes to cover them and therefore massive cost of living increases. Apart from inevitably regular blackouts, the BS ‘climate change‘ scam will help to impoverish the West and ‘Mr Global’ – (the cabal of elites) – can clean up buying everything on the cheap due ensuing bankruptcies.

Cheap, abundant energy (oil & gas) is the very reason industrialised nations became wealthy. The ‘Human Induced’ Climate Change fraud simply redistributes the wealth to those (elites) promoting it. At the same time it provides vast opportunities for totalitarian control by quantifying every part of human life with a fraudulent – taxable – ‘carbon footprint.’ 

Human Induced Climate Change Fraud

Each study independently thoroughly debunks the human induced climate change narrative.

In addition,

  • Study 1 confirms climate change is all due to changes in cloud dynamics and sunshine. It has nothing to do with CO2. 

This makes total sense, explaining how the Earths naturally ever changing climate over its 4 billion year history has, & always will be, independent of human industry – which has only been present for a relatively microscopically insignificant period. It conclusively shows no empirical evidence that rising CO2 or CH4 is giving rise to the measured changes in weather.

This is also what the recent physics Nobel Prize winner John Clauser surmises as he calls out the climate emergency a hoax – but of course his voice is now throttled because he disagrees with the propaganda…

  • Study 2 shows CO2 levels in fact lag any temperature rise.

Robust evidence from ice samples confirm this study. The whole IPCC argument that rising CO2 causes climate change is thoroughly debunked by this alone.

  • Study 3 shows atmospheric CO2 levels have nothing to do with humans.

In addition to & confirming this study, CO2 measurements during the Covid global industrial shutdown period show levels continued to rise – even without human industrial output.

no reduction in CO2 rise with mans contributions at near zero


  • Study- 4 re-enforces how non scientific the IPCC propaganda machine really is.

Below are some excerpts from the four studies:

Study 1

study 1
Study 1

Study 2 below

Study 2

Study 3

Study 3

Study 4

Study 4

We don’t see any of this on the TV or mainstream news. We should be asking; Why??

These studies are published in scientific journals, they have been scrutinised by experts, and deemed valid. You must ask yourself why then, are they being deliberately ignored by the media? If this ‘planetary emergency’ was real, & human’s CO2 production the cause, any evidence to the contrary should be shouted from the rooftops.

We certainly don’t want to foolishly ruin our economies, destroy our own wealth & lifestyles, & destroy our kids psyches with unnecessary fear mongering chasing a completely corrupted presentation of propaganda & pseudoscience.We don’t, but…

It seems those with most to gain, extremely powerful entities, who also happen to own the mainstream media, have a different view. They are spending vast sums of money to promote the scam and hide the truth, as can be seen by this recent article:

Click image above to read report: [Secret Partnership Fuelling Climate Hawk Journalism]

‘Facts are facts. Science is science. But journalism should be journalism, too, not activism. When you have politically invested and motivated entities and activists driving an entire major policy area’s news coverage –  you have to ask about the objectivity and mission.’

Just 5 aligned entities now essentially own & control the entire world’s mainstream media & big tech. When I was a kid there was nearly 100 independent global news sources. The original founder of Wikipedia is disgusted with its evolvement into a propaganda platform. The WEF brags that they ‘own’ & doctor search results in Google. Individual investigative journalism is dead. ‘Approved’ narrative only, censorship prevails on social media now.  Zuckerberg just testified that the US government (aligned with the globalists) forcefully censored 20 million facebook posts over the covid era – that were true!  All this straight out of George Orwell’s dystopian ‘1984 Big Brother’ novel. – Find alternative sources of media! – Use independent Yandex as a search engine. Substack is a good start for a variety of unbiased information, ‘X’ shadowbans but has the most uncensored content in the social media space… 

[If you haven’t heard a lot of the info above – Yandex it! save me providing the links… its all true…]

So Who Is Driving & What Is The Real Agenda Of This Obvious Fraud?? –

Insight to the answers can be found in the recent experience of Germany:

Click image for more

Bravo Germany! 👍👏👏👏 – By following the Climate Panic Net Zero ‘Greens’ agenda they have spent an extra 697 billion euros on subsidies to sustain the wind & solar, & have a net 73% increase in CO2 emissions due to using ‘renewables’ over the previous existing nuclear.

Now ask Chat GPT  ‘Has China gained from Germanys green energy transformation.’ – The answer is about a page long of YES YES & more YES.  ### Chat GPT Conclusion: Germany’s commitment to green energy has benefited China significantly by providing opportunities for technological exports, partnerships, and financial growth. As both nations continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the transition to more sustainable energy systems, their interconnectedness will likely deepen, with China positioning itself as a key player in the global renewable energy landscape.

A massive – ongoing – transfer of wealth from the German taxpayers to the investors/ bankers / foreign nations – in particular – China. BlackRock, Vanguard, Statestreet – the world’s largest investment entities, the central banks, & China are the beneficiaries of the enormous wealth transfer with net zero benefit to the planet. 

Now heres the kicker – the unelected globalist elites: ‘Mr Global’ – own the central banks, BlackRock etc, who in turn own the world’s media now. The ‘Mr Global’ elites control the WEF/ UN/ WHO etc & have openly stated their desire for a ‘One World Government’ [with them as rulers] & a ‘New World Order.’ They (Club of Rome) even wrote a book in 1991 called “The First Global Revolution” detailing their view of such necessity. They hid their intentions in plain sight, explaining how they would use the ‘Human Induced Climate Change’ narrative to achieve their goals:

Click image for an excellent presentation explaining in depth the background & origins of the fraudulent ‘Planetary Emergency’ – ‘Human Induced Climate Change’ narrative.

**The Chinese government is openly seen as the totalitarian, technocratic poster boy for a ‘One world government’ that the globalist elite cabal (who own the WEF/ Central banks / UN/ WHO/ IPCC etc) is desperately trying to install**

[China is thrilled to buy cheap coal & gas from brainwashed nations to fuel its ever increasing petroleum based energy sources, then sell more over priced ‘renewables’ – solar panels etc to those same indoctrinated states. It virtue signals with a few extra solar/ wind farms but its biggest planned future energy sources are coal & gas by a country mile.]

So by forcing the human induced climate change nonsense down the world’s throat through their relentless, powerful propaganda, the globalist cabal:

  • Profit at our expense as our brainwashed/ [paid off $$ ☺️] governments pursue the – climatically pointless – net zero fantasy, 
  • Succeed in the installation of more totalitarian control measures in the form of the BS – taxable – ‘carbon footprint’ scam. [Used in conjunction with CBCD’s (programmable digital money), Digital ID, ‘One Health’ & Vaccine Passports as already planned & being implemented this combined control grid will enslave society,] 
  •  Further empower their Chinese technocratic surveillance state poster boy country with the aim of expanding it’s social credit system & totalitarian model to the rest of the world under the feudal ‘One world government’ ambition.

To close the deal they are now resorting to blatant censorship in what were once democracies, & using their media control to promote their own ‘misinformation’ to further the cause. Falsely fabricating & promoting fear of ‘Pandemics’ is another monumental global scam by the same perpetrators with the same ultimate motive of control. (Below’s read explores the possibility of even more nefarious motives in play.)

Failing to report critical information is just as bad as censoring it.

Free speech is being ruthlessly abandoned as the world now throws people in jail for subjectively assessed ‘hate speech’ willy nilly. Yet no laws prevent the far more dangerous crime of blatant widespread censorship by omission. Even if the studies were ultimately found to be invalid, thats currently not the case & the global public deserves to know about them. 

Some of the best human minds in the world agree there is no climate emergency, & have theorised visible light reflected by cumulus clouds, is the main driver of climate change – not CO2.  This is routinely ignored by climate fanatics & exactly what study 1 now definitively shows. Dr John Clauser  – physics nobel prize winner of 2022 is one of humanities smartest men – yet his public speeches & views have been stifled by censorship because his views don’t fit ‘The Narrative.’ This should be a wake up call of how dangerously far the abolition of open & free speech has now become across the world.

How can vitally important truths become widespread without free speech??

Life changing information critical to every nations prosperity, global food security & ironically the environment such as contained in any one of these four studies must not be allowed to be hidden.

We need to call out the captured mainstream media & big tech for hiding the truth, & awaken ourselves to the relentless propaganda from external sources that now dominates it. Freedom of speech to access the truth is paramount. We must stop our governments from censoring us. Our prosperity, & ultimately our freedoms, depend on it.

Human Induced Climate Change Narrative a Scam
Climate change scam
Human Induced Climate change scam

Facebooks Zuckerberg has testified that up to 20 million FB posts were censored over the covid era. Most of these were true. Vital  – life changing information regarding vaccine safety was prevented from public scrutiny…

Furthermore – he confirmed in 2016 the Biden administration used the FBI & CIA to censor truthful FB posts regarding the ‘Hunter Biden Laptop’ scandal, & promote false (confirmed as FBI manufactured) propaganda that it was ‘Russian dis – information.’  Regardless of your politics, this was blatant, corrupt, election interference. No one has been held to account. The media propaganda & censorship continues.

 ‘Human Induced’ climate change narrative is clearly another lie.

What other lies are we being told??
